
I had a feeling might be family... well it's a nice memory. Go NAVY!

:) thanks for your service...

This has been on my mind so here goes..23:40 H Ryan, my name is Jim. I wanted not to pry in matters with regard to that account DIYW, Its not (none of) my business to ask and or to spoil any post and reply threads with anything not about the subject you intended. But I thought it would fit here now many days later.

I came across the latest back and forth by chance today. I have never commented on that account's YT channel and since I have been here, I made one comment weeks back and none since. I wanted to simply and sincerely say this to you...

I think you quite genuine and what prompted this reply was this fellow in Hawaii and how you handled that. You have your reasons, and you seem to me no wacky zealot, but someone who fights. the good fight for just reasons and these are your own in addition to what you have published. Heck the son of a Navy man...and a Class A Army Vet.

Godspeed and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

thank you for the kind words.