The Proof is in the Pudding. Verified!
Well, I plotted and planned. I read and re-read. I waited and worried and then I finally posted my #introduceyourself. It was only AFTER I posted it that I realized I did NOT provide a verification. The "I yam who I yam" that I read about.
Oh the shame :p
I decided the Proof is in the Pudding and since Mr. Bluejeans loves pudding... I whipped some up.
So... I am Niki Dee and as you can see... the Proof is in the Pudding!
Wow... I like pudding :)
Hello farm loving pudding Niki Dee, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and I sure do love farms and that cool cowboy hat and sure do love pudding, too. I eat yams. I yam. You yam. We all yam for ice-cream.
LOL! Love your sense of humor @joeyarnoldvn. I actually hate pudding but Mr. Bluejeans is a patient man so whatever I can do to make his day... Gimme sourdough bread and a hunka cheese any day!
Depends on the cheese. Yeah, some cheese is to die for.
I really enjoyed your post! welcome

Please help me grow @rehab22 and i will do the same
Thank you!
hello and welcome @fivedogfarm~
Thank you very much!