Green plants
Green plants have solid cell walls containing cellulose. Almost all plant members are autotrophic, producing their own energy by converting the energy of sunlight through a process called photosynthesis in organelles called chloroplasts. Due to the dominant green color of the members of this kingdom, another name used is Viridiplantae. The other name is Metaphyta. But there are also plants that are parasitic and some have no photosynthetic ability with little or no chlorophyll. Plants can also be diarecterized from the way they breed, the growth ability, and the rotation of offspring. Green plants produce almost all the oxygen molecules on earth and are the most important part in the ecological system of the earth. The domesticated plants can produce seeds, fruits and vegetables that are useful as the basic ingredients of human food.
The immediately recognizable feature of plants is the greenish color but can be dominant yellow due to the chlorophyll pigment content that plays a vital role in the process of capturing energy through photosynthesis. Thus, plants are generally autotrophic
Plants are stationary or can not move on their own, although some green algae are motile (capable of moving) because they have a flag. Due to its passive nature, plants must adapt physically to environmental changes and disturbances it receives