How my veggies grow
This is a update on my patio plants and how they are growing.
I ran out of garden soil before I got everything trans planted but it's ok none of the plants are root bound so I still have time to buy some more.
Growing here is in the window box is cosmic purple carrots,parrishlettuce,brussle sprouts,cherokee tan pumpkins,red striped tomatoes,green striped tomtoes.

This pictures has the same plants but, you can also shows the chinese red noodle beans.

This picture shows the chinese red noodle beans and the golden zuchinni plants.
I still have more seeds to plant. Some hungarian peppers and some ancient watermelon. I also have some passion fruit plants to transplant and then my patio garden will be full.
It's not a big garden but then I only have so much room on my patio. I am just doing what I can with what I have.
by mental-extract
I love vegetables and I grow some vegetables at home planting is really fun @coffeetime
You have a lot of unusual kinds of veges growing in tour window sill. Hope they are good producers for you once they are in the ground. It’s so fun to watch them become seedlings. Even better when the veges come on. 🐓🐓
I container garden on my patio.
Garden is looking good! I unfortunately have neither the patience nor the room for gardening. :)
I dream of exercising this profession one day. Gardening mostly flowers. Beautiful pictures Dear @cofffeetime
thank you
They look beautiful, I will love to garden but don't know if it will do well in harsh sunny conditions.
I live in florida and my plants get alot of sunlight and heat
Nice! It reminds me I need to prepare for the spring season here in the UK. I always start off with good intentions and then the season creeps up on me. Time to plan! lol Thanks for your post. Keep up the good work :)
Do they need any special care and how often you you need to water them?
When do you think you can harvest? I can imagine you family and you will some have yummy salad to savour.
I check to see when they need water with my index finger. I put my finger as deep as I can get it in the soil and if the soil is dry I water them. Here in Florida it is about every other day.
We are enjoying lettuce and I should have some tomatoes and zucchini in about 60 days. When you transplant plants it sets the number of days back to 0. I am starting in peet pots because I can move them to a larger pot without restarting the days.
What a wonderful garden.
When tomoates and zucchini are ready, it’d Be nice if you could share the produce here.
Happy homefarming :-)
That's a lot for a patio garden! You must have spent a lot of time planning and organising to make that work. Nice job.
I did put alot of time in planning my patio garden.
Very cool :-) Once I get my own place I actually want to grow my own vegetables. Nice progress!
You keep herbs in your garden?