Furry Bastards and Buckets of Contemplation

in #homestead7 years ago

Last night I spent a good hour walking our property looking for chickens remaining after the latest massacre. I was only able to find six total - three of each gender. After I got them carried to the roost, I bribed one of the goats (Water Buffalo) into the coop, locking the door behind him. I then carried the empty grain bucket to a satisfactory vantage point and waited for the coons while I contemplated life.

That may sound pretty deep for someone sitting on an upside down bucket, but lately I've had a lot on my mind.

I'm quite fond of our birds. Many of them have had several birthdays, and these days eggs are few and far between.


However, they're still great for insect control, plus I appreciate watching (most of) their antics. Simply put, I genuinely like them. And quite frankly, I'm tired of losing them. .

Around the time I was coming to a heavy-hearted conclusion regarding a future with chickens, Water Buffalo was drawing conclusions of his own . Guard goat was not on his evening agenda and he wasn't about to spend the night in the coop, even if it meant he had to disassemble it to make sure that didn't happen. Sighing, I got up and let him out. He wandered off, proudly embracing his continued career of being a pain in my ass.


I'd had enough and was ready to put the day away when my husband came out and joined me. Together we sat in silent conversation as we watched the light fade from the sky. Growing too dark to see much of anything, we had decided to pack it in, when I heard the faint, but distinct sound of claws on bark. Looking up toward the oldest of the cottonwood trees, there sat several furry bastards, watching us from above.

Their bodies hit the ground with the most satisfying of thuds; another met his demise tonight.

While I hate that we can't all just get along, having lost nearly two dozen birds in just the past few days alone (as well as all of this spring's kittens), I can comfortably say that's on them.


We have had the racoon problem too! We love trap them and give the to a guy who trains coon dogs & makes hats.... hope ya got them all! Good luck

Thank you. Rather doubt it - there's probably more furry bastards being born right now. Maybe I should look into making hats ...

I totally get where you are coming from. I like to live and let live when it comes to wild animals and our animals for the most part but we too have had several chicken massacres over the past few years and we too have felt no sorrow for the crows, moles, etc... that have come for our chickens and met their demise.

Protecting those that we have raised from newborn to adulthood is what we are here to do and there won't ever be an apology to anyone for doing that job well.

Sorry they got so many of your chickens. :(

yes... yes damm those evil .... moles??? Moles now when did we have mole attacks you silly woman! I remember killing skunks and coons and there was a fox around a few years ago but no moles.

Okay, we didn't kill any moles but Mya and the other dogs have gotten at least one, maybe more...that I know of... :P