Our Homeless Experience part 5: Losing My Best Friend.
There's the incomparable love you have for your children, for your family and your friends. And then there is the pure, soul deep, uncomplicated love for your pets.
This is Envy. My best friend on Earth.
We took him in when he was 3-years-old. Saving him from a man claiming he'd shoot the cat if nobody took him.
He fit right in. He was my baby within a week. He became my biggest line of defense against the depression that settled in when my horse died in 2011.
Envy was my everything. My person to talk to, to cry on, he never even complained about wet fur. He's my silly oh-so-sweet boy.
He went through everything with me. The loss of our apartment, the loss of our home, and then came to live in the camper with us.
Worries about having a cat in the camper, I outfitted my reluctant boy with a collar and nametag for a "just in case" scenario.
I said goodnight to him. Woke up, got the kids to school and rushed to work. When I finished work, Envy did not come when called. He ALWAYS comes when called. Especially when food is on the line.
I tore that camper apart, piece by piece. At first it was disbelief, with a cold hard stone in the pit of my belly. My best friend of the past 5 years couldn't POSSIBLY be missing. That scenario was not within the realm of possibilities.
So I double checked everything. The kids and I scoured every place we had been since I said goodnight to him. I took work off, sobbing and calling his name in the rain.
A police officer arrived during all this to ask how long we'd been living behind the building I was searching behind. The answer was once a week. I changed up our location frequently to stop store owners from chasing us out as often.
Our search brought up nothing. I was inconsolable. I couldn't breathe and threw up from crying so hard. I can't even write this without the tears streaming down my face.
I spent what little money I had to print up a hundred fliers with his info and my phone number. Called every rescue, shelter and veteranarian. We went door to door. We plastered our posters on light posts, on in-store boards and convinced some to put him on their windows.
Multiple lost pet sights on Facebook posted him for me and we kept up a daily search.
That was in October. I keep posting. I still watch the rescues and humane society listings.
I pray in my heart that he found a warm and loving home. And the petty side of me hates them for not giving him back.
He is my biggest regret, my Envy. He took a part of my soul with him.
Thank you for reading.
Awww! Envy is a beautiful kitty. You never know, he might still make his way home to you.
We had an outdoor cat when i was growing up that was just my best friend in the whole world. We got him when i was 10 years old. When i left for college he had to stay with my parents. He took off the night after i left and didn't come back. My mom didn't want to tell me while i was at school so she waited until i came home to visit a few months later. I was devastated. I wouldn't believe it. I went out to the backyard and called for him. I stayed out there till it started getting dark. Finally i went back inside, tired from crying, voice gone from calling my kitty. A few minutes later we heard scratching at the back door. Mom figured it was her cat shadow coming in for the night. Instead, my jasper came leaping into my arms. He was a matted hot mess full of battle scars, i have no idea how far out in the woods he'd been living, but he came back.
I hope you're reunited with envy someday. ❤
Oh my gosh, you're Jasper's person. 💜
Thank you for sharing, what a beautiful reunion.
Jasper was just the best. He lived for 15 years! It was so hard to watch his health decline, but i was with him at the end and I'll miss him forever. Its hard losing anything you love. Hugs to you ❤
Such a heartwarming story. I pray Envy returns too @hickorymack. My heart aches for your loss of him 💖💖💖
I am so sorry @hickorymack. He is such a pretty boy.
He sure is. Those blue eyes though and the soft fluffy hair 💙
Thats sad....@khackett is the one that loves cats, but losing anyone that had a part of your soul is a tough thing to have happen. Hopefully one day, you will receive a "like" Envy and has some part of your soul back. Good Luck to you.
Thank you. I love my dogs but they aren't Envy. We will adopt a shelter kitty in need of a family at some point, I'm sure. 💜
Such a sad, sad story. I hope you find Envy very soon.
Thank you.
great 😊
It's actually really sad...
The cat who holds the record for the longest non-fatal fall is Andy. He fell from the 16th floor of an apartment building (about 200 ft/.06 km) and survived.
a very beautiful cat, I really like the kind of things you do. because it's fun when the days are busy with taking care of these tiny animals ...

Awww I am so sorry <3 Envy is beautiful...I hope he comes back. Cats are odd that way sometimes <3 thinking of you all xoxo
Isn't he just gorgeous? And so loving.
I can only pray that someday someone will reach out, I continually repost him online.
I'm sorry for your loss @hickorymack. During these tough times, I can see how you needed him most. I understand how nothing can replace him as I hope one day he comes home to you or that you may find a way to fill that hole in your heart. I wish him luck to find his way and I wish you the time you need to heal throughout this rocky hill of a road that you need to travel. Big hugs and love xx.
Thank you dear, that means a lot.
Dear @hickorymack, seems you've been having some challenging stuff come up recently, our hearts sending love to you and your family.
We've just sent you 20 STEEM, may this small gesture in some way help towards health, happiness and freedom. It was raised by the upvoters of a post I shared about you. The reward window just completed and @iamjamie and I rounded it up a bit.
With love from us all, have a blessed day! 💗
Thank you!