A day in the life of a homeless man

in #homeless7 years ago (edited)

If you read my other guides then you have read a lot of words.

This guide will be all actions.
Wake up and head straight to McDonald's. Don't think, don't talk, don't complain, don't contemplate don't do anything! Just get up and move, move in the direction of the nearest McDonald's (fast food of choice).

Buy yourself a cup of coffee for $1. If you don't have a dollar find a cup in the trash, go to the bathroom rinse it out and go get yourself a refill.

Once you've had your cup of coffee you can use the restroom to wash your face and do anything else you need to do while you're in there.

If you're hungry stand outside the McDonald's and ask the people going inside if they would be willing to buy you a meal. Don't be shy or hurt. Some will say no. Some may ignore you, keep asking until you get food.

If you get kicked out just let them know you're not asking for money you're just hungry.

I will assume that you got to use the restroom, you got a cup of coffee, and you got to eat something. If you did this then you passed part 1! Congratulations.

Next walk to any densely populated area or town\city square. Some place that has a lot of shops and a lot of people.

You'll be looking for a couple of things. Number one you'll be looking for a banner or a table where people are giving away free Obama phones. Usually they will advertise this either with a sign or with a banner.

You will need one state ID or license. Number an EBT or SNAP benefits card. Number three you will need a medical insurance card. If you do not have items 1, 2, and 3 please go to your nearest government or state building which provides these items.

I give examples below.

The Department of Motor Vehicles gives IDs. If you cannot afford to buy an ID I believe they cost about $20-50. You can also head to a homeless assistance type office and inquire about Services organizations that give ID cards to homeless individuals, these are often free.

The department of human and public social services or family services will give you an EBT or SNAP benefits cards and they will often allow you to fill out an application to receive free medical insurance don't be shy don't be ashamed accept the free help.

Once you get your free phone go to the nearest Starbucks. You can ask them for free cup of water, please. Then you can use their public WiFi.

Find the nearest public library. Libraries are a great resource for homeless individual, they give you a free place to stay when it rains you will have access important resources such as books, reading materials, and computers etc.

You might be wondering why go to the library when we have Starbucks? If you stay at Starbucks all day all will realize you're homeless. You don't want to get kicked out.

Also at the library you can ask them about any resources they might have for homeless people or use the computers to look up nearest food pantries and homeless shelters. Often libraries have cool free programs such as meditation classes.

Go to the food pantry.
Eat free food.

Smile, it might not taste very good and it might not be very nutritious, but it's better than eating out of the trash... Unless of course you're at the mall.

Try to make friends along the way. Talk to people.

Most shelter is typically open sometime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. you should avoid them if you can.

If this is your first time being homeless and you really don't know what to do you're afraid to stay out by yourself or if its too cold it could be a good option for you.

If you're brave and adventurous, then you're probably just better off trying to find somewhere reasonable to sleep outside.

Just walk around look for a place that's quiet hopefully with some grass or dirt.
Avoid places near highways as they can cause a lot of noise and if the car gets off the road you might get run over.

Somewhere nearby McDonald's or food pantry will suffice. Avoid large shopping complexes or plazas because they often have security guards who want to kick you out.

You always want to scout before it gets dark for a reasonable place to sleep because once it gets dark you won't be able to see who's there or what's there. Don't go to your sleeping spot too early. Once you find a reasonable sleeping spot just walk away and go somewhere else until it gets dark and then come back when it's dark, sometime between 10 and 11 p.m.

Wake up and start over and then read my other guides.

Good luck!