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RE: I'm homeless but not forgotten

in #homeless9 years ago

This is very sad, but we have the power to turn this man's life around right now. This, is the beauty of this platform. We can come together, learn, discuss, and take care of things as they are happening. Homelessness is a HUGE issue and is only getting worse through the current societal structure. Let's all chip in and help this man get on his feet! Is there a way I can donate more to brook??


Wow, the generosity of this website is finally shining! I was worried but posts like this and a guy living off a dollar a day making posts on a daily basis that make about 10-1000 dollars each! Awe inspiring..

Once in a night club old security man started talking with our company: his story was also right this. He lost his flat in a strange way, he felt sad, only some days before he found that job & everything he had except job were his poems. He asked permission to read them to us. Without any paper he read them about 30 minutes.

Who is your company? Will they listen to my story, even without steem power backing me up? =)

Brave 4, going to alko-zero) After appeared steemit)))))....not)