Your Home Smell Fabulous

in #home7 years ago (edited)

Air it out! It's a scientific fact that old air and new air hate each other, and new air will always win.
Eliminate the stinky culprits. Tackle the smell at its source.

Burn, spray, and smoke out the smell. Candles, air sprays, incenses, and plug-ins are excellent weapons.

Cook something delicious. The smell of fresh-baked bread will conquer any bad smells in your home.

Carpet freshener is your friend. See my DIY natural recipe below.

Make a potpourri out of things you already have at home (read on for suggestions!)

Do a quick wipe-down with a great-smelling household cleaner. Even if you don't have time to clean your entire home, you can give guests that impression.

Let your washing machine do all the work, because one of the most wonderful smells in the world is freshly laundered clothes.

Use cotton ball perfume bombs. Scatter your home with these little whiffs of pleasure (see how below).
Candle warmers are magical. Just about any liquid that smells good will smell even better when it is heated.

Fabric refreshers are on your side. I'll show you how to make your own for pennies.