
in #holistic6 years ago

Positive thought: so during my monthly integrative energy therapy meeting lastnight, I was reminded of how important laughter is... We were discussing attraction of energies and tools that can serve as beacons for outside entities through focus, such as candles, for instance. But one thing that stood out to me was my teacher's comments on how she's sent long distance energy healing to people she knows and has found that sometimes they block it from coming in for various amounts of time unconsciously, however one thing she's noticed is that as soon as that person experiences some form of joy and or laughter, they open up and receive what she's sent. And they oftentimes experience a shift of some sort whether it be a conscious break through or they start crying or they tell her they experienced sudden clarity on something that had been bothering them, whatever... It can manifest in many ways... Either way, it got me thinking... Even if you don't believe in energies, mediumship or energy work, modern science and psychology tells us that laughter is good medicine, right? We've all heard that old phrase. We supposedly exhibit changes in our brainwave patterns and hormones when we have fun or laugh or experience some form of joy. So why not? What do we have to lose? This is a struggle for me at times. I have an analytical brain. I hear something and immediately start pulling it all apart trying to figure out what means what and I forget to just have a laugh! LOL... So that is going to be a focus for me. Everyday I will try to make myself try to have a good belly laugh so I can be "open" to receiving or whatever one wants to make of it😂 what will you do to put a lil joy in your life?