Today's 10 min holistic health challenge

in #holistic6 years ago

Simple and sweet today, Folks... Show appreciation to someone today. That's easy, right!? Take a little bit of time today to take notice of someone and tell them "thank you..." Or do something nice for them perhaps. Look around. There has got to be someone who has been there for you when no one else has...someone who has helped you out in times of need or desperation. Someone who deserves to know that their good deeds don't go unnoticed. Get them a coffee, write them a text, give them a hug, tell them you love them, invite them to brunch on Sat, anything really! The world needs more gratitude and love. Why not lead by example!? If you cannot think of anyone then do me a favor... Go look in the mirror. You are deserving of all the appreciation in the world! After all, you have gotten you this far! Give yourself a lil wink and thank yourself. Now treat yourself! Let yourself have that doughnut you've been eyeballing! LOL. Moderation is key;) If you celebrate it, Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone! Sending appreciation and love to all of you! Namaste, Amy💞