Pearl of lake toba

in #holiday6 years ago

the charm of Pearl of Lake Toba in the Park simalem resort
in a few days ago, I had the opportunity to follow the family gathering implemented in the Park simalem resort located on the Highway brand-sidikalang km 9. Park simalem resort is one of ecotourism located in the Hills of Northwest Toba Lake, one of volcanic Lake deepest in the world. trip to the Park simalem resort can be taken in the 2,5 - 3 hours through a road trip from the city of field or can also be achieved approximately 45 minutes from the city tour berastagi. region ecotourism Park simalem resort is located in the region area of 206 acres and are at a height of 1500 meters above sea level. this area developed as the tourist destination in North Sumatra combining the concept of agriculture (agrowisata) with an area over 25 acres and ecotourism activities in the integrated area. simalem in the language batak Karo means cool and comfortable, it is in accordance with the natural. Panorama in the Park simalem resort very beautiful, air cool and has a view a nice to Lake Toba. after traveling around 35 miles from kabanjahe, we finally got the gate security check the Park simalem resort. some of officers welcomed US and an officer women with friendly tell rates entry is calculated based on the size of the car. rates login to the car is charged USD. 250.000, - includes some voucher to buy food, beverages and played in vehicle outbound. plan Park area simalem resort past the gate security along the way we enjoy the view of the Forest beautiful with vegetation Pine trees, in the right side of the left the road planted with cinnamon (cinnamon) were maintained neat to add the beauty road to archway main Park simalem resort. on the right side archway there are building reception and information Center. after passing archway we will see a Fountain artificial designed with a form round called "Fountain of wealth". monument Fountain this is midst Park area simalem resort and is the Central point that has four access road to all over the places amenities available region Park simalem these. with based on the monument Fountain as the Center of the Park area simalem resort, then there are four zone area of each of which have facilities different I would describe as follows: pangambatan Valley, was in the West of the region, we can see the plantation biwa and passion, the Center of seedlings interest (flower nursery), lodges on the edge of the River to picnic (Riverside place), handycraft and the location outward bound and Recreation. -perkebunan biwa and passion -kebun seedlings interest -tempat demonstration making ulos -riverside place -area outbound in this area there is also a waterfall Lodge, is lodging exclusive with panoramic greenish natural forests and waterfalls. in the East region simalem there are Karo agrotourism farm & Mart, is a research Center, development and sale of interest, fruit and vegetables. vegetables planted the vegetable garden this can we select own and then we pay in agro Mart. Pearl of Lake Toba is a favorite locations for tourists to take pictures with panoramic Lake Toba as background. in this location also often be the location of the Photo shoot for couples to be married to pre wedding Photo. Pearl of Lake Toba still in this area are "tongging point" that has a facility tongging Cafe & Mart, is a Cafe small to relax and mini Mart selling snack and some personal needs for tourists. here too sold souvenirs and T. shirt typical Park simalem resort. not far from the Cafe & Mart there are tongging Lodge & convention the form of lodging (dormitori) distinguished specifically for men and women. at the moment hotel facilities and convention was in the construction. imagesecond dormitori is specifically designed with round shape that consists of three floors. with the form of such from each room will be able to see the view beautiful natural. seen Buddhist Temple is still in the development of the room I live. facilities the most interesting and unique contained in this region is "amphitheater", which is a theater open the location of the stage as if the right to be on the edge of the Lake Toba. location very very beautiful, audience will see the stage with Lake views Toba as background. than a few times visit the theater this, I see the manager make changes to the edge of the stage overlooking the Lake. formerly the edge of the stage given limiting transparent glass so that the stage look blends with Lake. possible for security reasons now the edge of the stage given limiting Stone Wall with fixed give accent glass at distances certain. according to the information I get Unfortunately until now have never done performances in amphitheater this. next to the South region there are codon-codon Cafe used as a place start for travelers who will trekking to Niagara Twins. Interestingly of toilet in codon codon Cafe we can see the Lake Toba because of the outer Wall toilet made of transparent glass. other facilities, namely camping ground that are in Riverside equipped with toilet and bath. then there is a waterfall twin used as a point of the end of the one path trekking of four lanes trekking contained in the Park simalem the resort. two miles from the point start to trekking to Niagara twin we are going to kesebuah Hill called one tree Hill, the road to the Hill Rada narrow and a little bad because asphalt start to Peel. along the road to the Hill planted avocado tree that neatly in the right side and left the road, look this tree has not been a long time in the planting because still very small. Hill is called one tree Hill because in this Hill there is only a Pine trees growing there. of the Hill we can see Toba Lake of the other side and of course the landscape very beautiful, in this Hill wind very fast and atmosphere very cool. plan the top of the development of the Park simalem resort is to build one tree Hill Villa resort which is a residential special members with the connection cable car leading to the edge of the Lake Toba. the last to the North, there are facilities buddhish Temple currently in development, is a monastery architecture vihara Chinese. other facilities to be built in this region is guest House. not feel are two nights me and group stay in the Park simalem resort, freshness natural I enjoy for a few days adding the spirit of me to continue the daily activities my next. Monday afternoon is the end of our trip in the Park simalem resort. hopefully I have the opportunity to return to enjoy the beauty of nature Park simalem. image


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