IAM BACK!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #holiday7 years ago (edited)

Have you missed me?! No? Yes? If not then... I'll slapyouinthefacetm style .BuT, IF YOU SAID yes THEN YOU WIN NOTHING BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A GAMESHOW??? i know i know iam using alot of capital letters aren't i?

Now, you must be thinking why I left for such a long time? Well it is because...
I WeNt oN hOlIdAy!?!?
BUT where!!
In Greece!!!!
iT iS a cOuntrY iN EUROPE.
oh ok.

Now that YOUR questions are out of the way... let's move on to more serious subjects... And by that I mean Puppies!
I am going to get a pet puppy. I know right! Exciting eh? BUT. Not any pup. nononono my dear ladies and gentlemen! It is a rare breed of Beagle. Here is a picture of what the beagle might look like...



quick sidenote. Iam getting the pup on christmas.