Holiday with family 👪

in #holiday7 years ago


Last Saturday our family plans to take a vacation. but we are still confused to determine where the right holiday. my mother wanted to take a vacation in the mountains, but my sister Tasya and my nephew wanted to swim. eventually we were even more confused to determine the destination of tourism.

hari sabtu yg lalu kami sekeluarga berencana untuk berlibur. namun kami masih bingung untuk menentukan tempat liburan yg pas. ibuku ingin sekali berlibur ke pegunungan, namun adikku Tasya dan keponaanku ingin sekali berenang. akhirnya kami pun semakin bingung untuk menentukan tujuan wisata.


exactly at 2 pm my sister picked us up by car.
eventually the car went without a definite purpose. 😂
we trace the shortcut to Bener Meriah regency. 😉

tepat pukul 2 siang kakakku menjemput kami dengan menggunakan mobil.
akhirnya mobil pun melaju tanpa tujuan yg pasti. 😂
kami menelusuri jalan pintas menuju ke Kabupaten Bener Meriah. 😉

finally we decided to stop at Mount Salak.
we were immediately pampered with a beautiful view. the air was cool. the wind blows gently. and we very much enjoyed our holiday.


akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk berhenti di Gunung Salak.
kami pun langsung dimanjakan dengan pemandangan yang begitu indah. udara pun sejuk. angin meniup dengan lembut. dan kami sangat menikmati liburan kami.


Thanks for your attention 😊😊😊