in Steem Skillshare2 years ago (edited)


(b) Choosing a motto:

 It may sound a little absurd that a student needs a motto to back up his academic aspiration. This is a paradox: Having resolved to learn, a student should back up his resolution with an inspirational motto chosen right from Primary classes.

Choose any of the following mottos:-
(i) “Ambition should be made of Sterner Stuff”.
(ii) “Faith without work is Dead”.
(iii) “Hold Fast that which is Good”.
(iv) What can't man do?
(v) “The sky is ‘My’ Limit”.
(vi) “If you have Anything to Do, do it Well”.
(vii) “What Man does, Man can do: even Better”.
(viii) I am fully committed.
(ix) Why Not Me?
(x) “The End shall Tell”.
(xi) “This is ‘My’ Chance”.
(xii) “Onward ‘student’ soldier, matching as to War”.

The student should:-
(1) Fall in love with it.
(2) Let it become a law to himself.
(3) Give it a periodic re-affirmation by re-appraising his academic journey so far.

Make sure your motto becomes your guiding star and you work towards actualising it.

(a) Culture:
Many students possess no reading culture. This results from lack of self- discipline. How many time have you opened your book - be it at home or school to read? Having declared your period of studentship a tenure of committed learning, you should practise reading habits.
(i) Read daily during classes at school, during prep periods in the evening and also during the pre-dawn in the morning.
(ii) Read curiously and assimilatively.
(iii) Be intellectually dissatisfied.

(b) Prep-period;
Prep period is meant to be a period of meaningful reading. No duty post, age or class status should exonerate any student from prep class.

plan your prep work ahead of time.
Senior students may, if permitted, stay in the classes of the junior students to read and also maintain discipline as well.
Teachers should be appointed to coordinate activities during prep periods.
Do not abuse prep period, search your conscience.

(c) Personal Time Table:
This is an asset to meaningful learning.
(i) Have your personal Time Table pasted in your room.
(ii) Make sure that each subject is given fair attention.
(iii) Do nor over-study a subject that have already ‘mastered’.
(iv) Do not neglect subject that seems to be too difficult.
(v) Read your lesson progressively.
(vi) Respect the period on your personal Time Table.
(vii) Be guided by your avowed resolution and motto.
(viii) Declare war on your lessons; be an academic forager.

(d) Your Learning Room:
This is another learning asset. A student's learning room must be educatively arranged. Instead of romantic and/or funny pictures;
(i) Provide your room with educative materials like books, maps, diagrams, sketches, mnemonics, etc.
(ii) Once again your personal Time Table is a must in this room.
(iii) Parents are to provide their children with learning rooms.
(iv) Educated parents ought to show interest in whatever their children are doing in their rooms: occasional visits are commendable.
(v) Mothers should not allow domestic chores to weigh down their children.
(vi) In addition, snacks, tea and light foods should be occasionally provided by mothers. These give your children unique delight and encouragement.
(vii) Parents should see something good in what their children are doing: do not condemn everything that they do, sit down and have meaningful chats with your children in their Reading Rooms.
(viii) Note that even though our children are the ultimate beneficiaries of their education, their failures often cause us a serious concern and their successes our delight.
(ix) Be neither fastidious nor callous and of course do not pamper them.

Thanks to the following in no particular order @manuelhooks, @ngoenyi, @ udyliciouz


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Ok Boss. I am working on that.