Very good results of Shirodhara Ayurvedic treatment

in Best of India4 years ago

As I always say Ayurveda is one of the best traditional healing system. Authentic Ayurvedic treatment never fails, and nor do they have any side effects, so it's always beneficial to address your problems as much as possible with these type of treatments.

In the cold weather I normally face some hair fall problem and I don't like it because with the weather then there is a lot of hair thinning that happens. Normally I get my Hair oil from India, which is home made by one lady from herbs and it is very effective. The water is hard here in Muscat and that also causes hair fall for me, with this particular oil it benefits me a lot and keeps my hair fall very much in control. But this time, the oil got over and since it's been a long time I travelled to India I have not been able to get it. I decided to visit the Ayurvedic doctor to who I normally consult for any issues which do not pass off naturally. He suggested that I should go in for a Shirodhara Head treatment. I knew about it, but I had never done it, so I decided to go ahead with it.


Shirodhara is basically a oil therapy where in the person lies down on a specific designed table where the head will rest, an earthen pot with a hole at the bottom is hung above the person's forehead around 2 to 3 inches away and from the hole, the oil drips on the forehead in a rhythmic way. The oil has all herbs infused in it, which makes it very therapeutic. It's really a wonderful treatment, complete relaxation of the body and mind. You can fall asleep when the treatment is going on, after the oil dripping is over, the therapist will give a light head massage. It is so soothing and relaxing, I cannot explain.

The only problem then later is the hair wash :-) as the head is completely soaked in oil and it takes like a minimum of 2 to 3 wash to remove the oil. I would normally keep the oil overnight and then wash it the next day. After the therapy the sleep also would be amazing. I went for 5 sessions of it and after that my hair fall has completely stopped. No need of vitamin E capsules or any other medicines, just such a natural and effective therapy that not only stops hair fall but has many other benefits as well.

For people with neuro disorders this treatment is very effective, people with migraine issues, insomnia, regular headaches, high stress levels, should frequently go in for this treatment. Also the different Ayurvedic massages are anti-ageing therapy. I would advise any day to go in for these massage therapy rather then using expensive cosmetics and therapies to keep up with your ageing body and health problems.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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Very informative!
Natural remedies are the best!Glad you shared.

I think Ayurvedic medicine is a very good treatment. Important Information Thank you for completing the post.

what a nice post it is