The diary game -- 06/10/21-- Shubho Mahalaya 🙏

Hello everyone, i hope you are well and excited for upcoming festive season. As you know, today is mahalaya, so firstly shubho mahalaya to all. Mahalaya is mostly celebrated in West Bengal but has a significant importance in every part of India. The festival marks the end of Pitra Paksha and beginning of Navratri. The sculptor give final shapes to the idles of Ma durga on this day.

design on Shubho mahalaya prepared by team Aarohan of my college

photography done by my senior

Today, i woke up at 6 am in the morning, a bit early than the other days as i couldn't prepare well for the exam, last day due to electricity shut off in my region. So, i started preparing for the exam. The syllabus was that much large that it was very difficult to revise within a day. That's why, i was left with some topics to revise. I was having the exam of Fluid Mechanics . At 10:30 paper arrived and i started solving it and submitted it before time.

entry no-03, recherche, mosaic art work series

After exam, i took some rest and then i had my lunch. In hindu rituals, first food is offered to our ancestors today and only then any other can eat. So, i got late in my lunch. After lunch, i watched some videos on facebook and YouTube.

At 5 pm, i again sat to study for my tomorrow's exam. Till now, i was watching the previous recorded lectures of the teacher.

Good night!!!


Yes navratris have started. Though I am not much into it as I am with ganesh festival. It is still good option for those who want to enjoy festival and have a good time. I am sure you would be having good week too :)

#affable #india

design on Shubho mahalaya prepared by team Aarohan of my college

Its looking do beautiful .Nice art.

mosaic art work series

This art design by you. Looking so beautiful . Thanks for sharing us.

Best of Luck For your Exams. Take care.

Thanks a lot!!!

मां दुर्गा की बहुत ही खुबसूरत तस्वीर बनाई गई है। मैं भी अपने गांव की दुर्गा पूजा को बहुत याद कर रहा हूं। आपको नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं।

This is very beautiful art which is done by you.
Happy Navaratri.