My Two Favorite Mobile(iOS) Apps For Creative Short Videos - Daily D00k13 IAAC

What up my peeps, welcome to the Daily @D00k13 I Am Alive Challenge on Hive. Starting with a giant shout out to @Buttcoins & @Mondoshawan for joining me on the very first #OriginalDTuberTalk, was a blast and I am totally looking forwards to next weeks show(more details below). Shortly after the show having gone around and checked comments I noticed a question role in from @angelica7 wondering how I create the cool short videos like I do... this is my response 😘
Quik VS Beatleap
Skip to 06:19 - Quik VS Beatleap
In this video I discuss how the highly edited #shorts are going to be part of my daily affirmations going forwards using them for either goal setting & achievements or #cryptocomedy skitz. I then share my 2 favorite mobile apps for creating said short videos on iOS, GoPro Quik & BeatLeap(both have free options).
- Quik:
- Beatleap:
Original DTuber Talk
Previous Show:
Next Show:
Tuesday May 17, 7am UTC-8 Official DTube Discord
Let Me Know Your Thoughts Down Below!?!?
Is there anything you figure I missed or got wrong? Anything you would like me to cover not previously mentioned? Leave a comment, I read and respond to every single message(that ain't spam) but if you would like to contact me privately the best way is always on discord or email to [email protected]
That's It, @D00k13 OUT!!!
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