My Journey From the Northwest region to Adamawa region by Bus.

in Steem Cameroon3 days ago (edited)

Steem greetings from my home country Cameroon to you all on this blockchain.It’s another bright new day for me to share with you people how my day unfolded. Some few months back I was transferred by the minister of secondary education of my country from previous post duty. As a teacher from the Northwest region to Adamawa region to be precise Ngaoundere.To teach in one the secondary school more of bilingual.

It’s has not been easy as I was trying put one or two things together before traveling.Am a mother of two kids and my family is base in the north west region .My husband and I decided I should leave the kids here with him.Eventhough, my husband is a very busy person couple with his job but it’s still preferable he stays with the kids. It’s really hard living your family to another new area alone in a far location .But not withstanding I was still happy because before going into teaching profession I knew I can work anywhere in my country.

For security reasons in my region Northwest ,due Anglophone crisis ineffectiveness of schools functioning had made the minister to transfer thousand of teacher to Adamawa, North and far north .Atleast where a teacher can teach effectively.On Sunday 21/09/2024 I have packed my lodges to travel by night to my new place of post .It’s a 2days journey non stop by bus .


But with train it’s a kind of 22 to 24hours .You can take a bus from my location Northwest region to be precise Bamenda to capital city Yaounde which is 10 to 12 hours .Then from there, you take a train to Ngoundere it can be 10 to 12 hours to reach.I decided to travel by bus after trying to book a space at the train station and it was full for the week . Early inthe morning on Sunday 21/09/2024.I went to the bus Agency Amour mezam to pay my mom ticket , a colleague of mine and myself own to reserved a seat for us inthe his to the capital city Yaounde . Where we will have the first drop.


The tickets I paid to reserved seats for our journey to yaounde

As for my mom she was going to visit my elder brother who lived in the capital city .For this reason I had the opportunity to travelled with my mom. According to the bus ticket I paid it was showing the bus will kickoff at 4:00pm .By this time my husband has called for a taxi driver to pick me up in his taxi to the station .In 10minutes time he was at my place and I was taken to the bus station . I made sure my lodges are all put inthe right place of the lodge site in the bus .Before the car can kickoff.


At the northwest (Bamenda )bus bus station , the driver kicking off for yaounde

My mom and one colleague where already inthe park at the moment .Exactly at 5:30pm, the bus kicked off for Yaoundé .We arrived on Monday 22/09/2024 4:00am in the morning in Yaounde. Immediately I called my elder brother my mom and I have arrived.He asked us to stay in the bus while he brings his car to pick my mom and I to his place .later,In 1hours time my brother came to the park agency to pick us .


We just arrived the capital city yaounde , waiting for my brother to come and pick us from the bus station

My brother still had to take me to another bus agency I will travel in the evening to Ngaoundere .My new place of work, my brother drove us in his car to the agency .While at the agency touristique,my colleague and I booked for a seat in the bus to travel in the evening .The agency is very organized and I really loved it .Our lodges were well kept by the workers in a secured place .


At Touristique Agency in yaounde to reserve a ticket to travel in the evening to Ngaoundere (Adamawa region)

Later, We went to my brothers place to take enough rest before traveling in the evening. Arriving the wife has already prepared bread readily waiting for us . I was tired and heated water first to bath , before taking my breakfast and have . My mom was busy discussing with my brother and the wife .I couldn’t because I was tired .While my brother and the wife were went for work I slept on the couch for about 4hours .


Resting on a couch at my brothers place while waiting for 5:00pm to reach let me continue my journey to Ngaoundere

In the afternoon my brother and the wife was back from work .We chatted for some time, my brother and the wife already bought somethings I will take to Ngaoundere for myself .I was so happy as I was not expecting any thing .They really encouraged me to have a good stay there and know it’s a place I have lived there before when I was still a child .My father worked in Ngaoundere town for 15years before he retired from the service by the government and came back to his region of origin Northwest. In my country at age of 60years civil servant go on retired.Therefore I should not be afraid because it’s a good place .


It was time for me go to the bus station ,as the bus will be leaving soon.I arrived at the agency when my bus was already packing lodges .Mine was packed and I endured it should be cat Ngaoundere site .This because some passengers will drop on the way inthe East region of Cameroon Bertoua.While we continue to Ngaoundere .later, the bus kickoff it was really a long journey by day and night . As I arrived Ngaoundere exactly 24hours of traveling.


Just arrived at the agency in Ngaoundere looking for a truck to carry my lodges to my colleagues place

Finally , I arrived my new location of work Tuesday 24th ,September 2024. inthe evening .Luckily one of my colleague came picked me up from the Agency,I was very tired and exhausted for the day .While at her place I freshened up and ate as she prepared food .My journey was exactly 2days to final my final destination .What a long journey and of course stressful ,I thank God for journey mercies to my new location🙏🙏🙏.

 22 hours ago 

@wirngo, its always a good thing yo change location. It's like a n opportunity to have a fresh start. Good luck in all up north.

 21 hours ago (edited)

Thanks it’s Adamawa not north , yeah you are right but really good when one is not far away from her family .But I most say it’s always good but to have different experiences in different areas .Thank you for wishing me well in my location ,I most say it a good place too

 20 hours ago 

Great!! Great!!