Good day Steemians and welcome to my blog as I reveal unfoldings of your favorite series. If you are just joining in on this, please catch up by reading Sequel -1 and Sequel -2.
As the man from the garage entrance aproached the two boys with his angry face, tension and fear 😨 took over. Without thinking, Abong took to his left and dashed out of the scene through a hole in the torn zinc fence behing the bench on which they had sat. It was a rusted fence that surrounded the garage. Paralyzed by fear, Nchùâbeh stood there while thousands of imaginations💭 as to what will happen to him flooded his mind. For a split second, he regretted leaving their village.

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Several hours had passed since Abong and Nchùâbeh left their village for the city. Their parents woke up that morning hoping and praying🙏 that their children got to Wusâh safely and that God should bless their paths. Like every parent, struck with fear of the unknown, they wished they hadn't allowed them to leave. No one from both families had ever traveled out to the city, so it was a strange experience.
Noticing how frozen🥶 Nchùâbeh was as he stood there, the man surprisingly spoke calmly while asking for his name. Nchùâbeh could hadly even feel his own lips while he stuttered out his name, "Nchù..Nchùâ..beh". The man replied with a husky voice, "Perika no fear. Dem di call me say Dagobert yaa". Then he followed, "You want make nkap?" Within a fraction of a second, Nchùâbeh thought of what brought him to the city in the first place and Immediately said, "Yes.. yes grand", still stuttering. "Nkap" meant money💵 in the local parlance. Dagobert said, "Then follow me peri". Without thinking and without the courage to ask what he was to do to earn the money, he followed Dagobert out of the garage.

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Meanwhile, Abong had been 🏃♂️running for almost 30 minutes now. He had crossed several streets and junctions, made several turn such that he couldn't even make his way back to the garage. He stopped all of a sudden at a very busy junction and looked back. When he noticed he wasn't being followed, he muttered to himself, "Chaiiii I don miss die today". He moved his eyes around again and it dawned on to him that he was actually lost.
As Abong walked about at the busy junction confused and wondering what he was going to do next and what might have happened to Nchùâbeh, he suddendly heard a hard knock from the back. A car had lost control and driven off the main road towards the pedestrian walk. As he lay there with the content of his bag scattered around him on the smoothly tarred road, all he could see at that instant was a faint image of a middle aged lady coming out of this huge black car whose brand name he couldn't even make out since everything was becoming blurry, wearing a blue sleeveless blouse. The images became even blurrier such that he couldn't see or hear anything that was happening again. He had fainted. The lady panicked and ran towards Abong while crying😫 out for help. Those nearby, on seeing what had happened ran to the scene and helped the lady who was already struggling on her own to carry Abong into her car. Two other guys accompanied her into the car as they rushed to the nearest hospital.

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Dear readers, what do you think is really happening? Do you think their village people have followed them to Wusâh? Are they under a spell? Or is their Quest really just Poisonous?
While waiting to find what happens ahead as the story unfolds, let's hear what you have to say at the comments section.
One Love👊