The Diary Game Season 3 The Never Ending Season.

in Steem Cameroon4 years ago

Hello lovely steemian
Bringing ti you my diary of 4/6/2021.
It was a lovely morning as i woke up at about 5:30am. I got out of bed attended the call of nature, got back and had a Gid and i time. I prayed thanked God for the gift of life and the gift of a new day. After that i made the bed kept everything in order. I went prepared breakfast and we ate i went took my bath and got ready for school. I arrived school at a out 7:25 settled in waited fir my pupils as i welcomed them to class. At about 8:15am i distributed their question paper as this week was a very busy one with the pupils writing thier end of term examination that started on Tuesday.
pupils ready for their exams this morning.

when they completed the paper at about 9:30am we had to go for sport evaluation. Sporting activities is one of the activities carried out in schools reason for this is that it help strengthens the kids, makes them active and help build thier muscles. Also sport is good for them because it helps them to be healthy and makes them grow. Our sporting activities is done every Fridays.
The kids doing some warm up exercises


When we were done with sport we took some snap shot with the kids before going back to class.


At about 2pm we closed from school i was feeling so tired i went home had a nap though i was going to have a class with some form five students i was not able to cos of the tiredness. When i got up from sleep i had to plait one of my kid's hair

At about 7pm i served dinner and after eating i went into marking of the exams. The most hardest part in the teaching field is the period of evaluation that start from the setting of exams to the writing abd marking. To the filling of report booklet, its such a challenging moment in the teaching field. I enjoy it though cos i get to evaluate the kids and see their level of understanding. That gives me joy when i evaluate and see the kids doing well.

Some of the scripts am marking


By 9pm i stopped and took my bath and headed for the bed.
Thanks for reading my diary remain blessed.


 4 years ago 

Woaw please madam , it really a great job you have there thrilling this lil ones through their first step is never easy , more courage

Your diary game post is very intresing

 4 years ago 

@rizwanwatto thanks for reading my diary. I will be looking forward to more comment from you in order to improve on my diary content.

Wow dealing with children takes time and patience. courage once more
#twopercent #cameroon