The Diary Game Mondays Meal 10/02/2025.
Hello everyone i troway salute to each and every individual present reading this post. You are highly welcome to my blog. I will be sharing with you the run down of my day.
To begin with,
Began my day with African dish a serious Ngraffi man i dont joke with my traditional meal. After enjoying this beautifully cooked meal, i went in to put fruits untop the plentiful corn fufu i ate😂
The sweetness from this pineapple made ne think its from CDC😂. After eating, i went into clearing off heap of sand mile 3
Then i watched farm bieng burn down by the owners of the farm preparing for next months farming.
Bush Burning.
Aftrr successfully getting work done, i went to the junction no food finally i got
The street was so dry afterall it was a ghost town and thats how its always been. Got back home very tired and fell asleep after showering.
Heres the brief number of my Diary session.