The Diary Game Season 3 [04/09/2021]

in Steem Cameroon4 years ago (edited)

Good evening to everyone ..i hope the weekend is going smoothly .
Welcome to my diary session of today, as always may we put God first when we wake up and do not forget to praise him before going to bed at night as well. So today was a busy Saturday as we had to go with our mother to the store , i went with her and my kid sister because she had to go purchase some goods for the store. And she had to also get ginger, onion and green spice which she would come back and slice them wash, grind and packet and put in the freezer and that is how she makes life easy for her customers. I had to go pay electricity bill after i arranged the store with kid sis and we swept and mopped. At this time mum had gone to the market already because she just had to get bags and money from the store and go. After we were done cleaning i went to pay this bill and what happened was that on my arrival there the place was so empty and when i got off the cap and went to enquire why they were only like three people there, the guard told me on the first Saturday of the month the workers there do not come to work at all. I stood disappointed and the three people that were there were just so angry that they felt like standing there would make the workers come to work , they stood three grumbling while me on the other hand since i knew my mother will be back from the market and we would have lots of work i just rushed to the road and looked for a taxi and went back to the store. I arrived there and stayed for a while before she came back and then we arranged the things she bought and we started fixing the ginger ,onion green spices that was meant to be ground. We did and washed properly and the mum was taking it to the machine while i had bread and chocolate and drank some water then i picked up the items i was going to use in cooking this vegetable(pumkin leaves) and fufu corn. So it was little sis who was left to be selling at the store for the afternoon. I will be showing you my vegetable because i belief not everyone knows or consumes it. When it actually is very healthy for the body as it adds blood to our system.

Pumpkin leaves.

Pumpkin leaves is either prepared with groundnut or egussi( anyone of your choice you blend and use) .
You use either of this and just add some salt ,maggi cravet , groundnut oil and cook together in your pot of boiledmeat. So with pumpkin leaves you do not necessarily need much work in preparing it , the simple way the best way Everyone should know how corn fufu is being prepared right so no need explaining that. When i was done cooking i went and gave food to my kid sis at the store came back ,had my bath then i also ate my launch.

Image of my pumpkin leaves/ corn fufu.
I enjoyed my launch and sat relaxing playing a game in my phone , my father came in afterwards and i served his launch. Fufu and any vegetable is actually his favourite, if left to him we should prepare fufu everyday in the house but then that is not possible hihihi.. I do not want to become fat oh! Even though him that eats the fufu much does not grow fat. He's just lucky right. Very lucky because as for me after this loaf of fufu corn in the afternoon eh i wouldn't like to eat dinner anymore.

Dear Steemians i will like to end my dairy here,
Good night to everyone and do enjoy the rest of your evening .
Thank you for reading !

 4 years ago 

Thanks for sharing your diary with us
Ask your father his secrete of not getting fat but then he’s a busy and hardworking man
How many times do you go the farm in a year.
It’s been ages since you last went to the farm to burn calories and you don’t want to get fat😂
Your lunch looks delicious ,though pumpkin leaves are extraordinary health I eat them just because I have to eat them ,u know what I mean 😂
so you just waisted transport to go and pay bills. Greet your kid sis for me
I don’t miss you guys😁

#affable #twopercent #cameroon