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RE: Leave a Comment

A regulation on commenting? What does that mean? And if you feel for that then why do you ask someone else's advice and don't just do it? Now I read your comment back I think you didn't make clear why commenting is valuable and even a need.

you literally say because we should (wrong translation or?).


because we should is my way of emphasizing the importance of that beforehand.

I'm asking for other users' opinions on whether or not it's possible to make rules for commenting. It could be something like your usual Contest, 25 words minimum, 50 words would be great.

To take it further, what I was thinking is that commenting becomes mandatory for people who have influence on the platform, maybe starting with Steem Representatives, aren't they role models, who have influence and should set an example?

I agree that role models should comment. No matter if they are SR, host of a contest, the community founder or curator. I notice most don't. Can be they are busy but so am I still I comment with both accounts, try with all my 3 communities, 3 others I give a hand and I comment as a curator. Does any other curator do that although it is asked by the Steemit Team? It's a lot of typing...
Does it bring me anything? I doubt it but there is a lot to read and there are many posts worth a comment but I cannot comment 20 hours oer day while the rest leans back. A fact is not commenting is higher rewarded.

I ask 25 words because it is doable if it comes to a good comment and it can include a tip, question. If it comes to those 25 words "the greetings" and the "how do you do" is not included/(note that this question is considered insulting or a asked by an idiot in several cultures if you are not familiar or willing to listen to the answer!).

As you can see with Monkey business the average comment is always long, way longer than 25 words and close if not better than posts. Next to that people do reply, engage and share (fun facts included).

Indeed I have to invite them since what is not served isn't noticed (but still if the post isn't pinned they will comment if invited).

Now compare it with the other comment contests... If the host is not active people give up on it. If I don't show and invite people to join the contest of someone else no one shows up. How come? It is an easy win if you are the only participant. 🤔