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RE: Leave a Comment

in Steem Venezuela2 months ago (edited)

I must have some brain damage since strangely enough I hardly recognize the lessons I wrote for #wewrite in the tips you wrote down but that's okay since it's good to have your own style of writing and for sure you make friends with it.

So you are saying that short comments are better than long ones? May I ask why? It's for sure not what I on average will vote for or will nominate or what will impress me nor what brings value to this platform unless there is a thread of comments/replies.

BTW I miss where you mention that a comment should be valuable and not only for you or the reader (compliment compliment compliment) but to the entire platform and preferably it should add something to what is written.

The way you describe how we should comment is exactly how AI would do it.
Agreeing with what is written, no need to say what is wrong, to make corrections, no need to engage, or share anything, just the average blah, blah, blah where the answer will be in average: thanks, okay, I will next time or no answer at all with the end result your comments is useless and didn't impress anyone.

The only times I notice people are willing to reply (most don't care and do not even check their notifications) is when they are angry or trying to achieve something. If you check the comment sections and scroll through a week or two you will see who the real commenters are, who uses AI to generate a summary of what is written, and so on. And the moderator reports? Most of them are the same and bring nothing new. Perhaps I know 5 moderators willing to write a bit of text. Most of them don't read and never say a word about typos, the wrong hashtags and so on. It's just a copy-paste answer which you can also see in their comment section.

If it comes to me I rather see a personal comment instead of fake politeness and tiptoeing but I assume this is a cultural difference? I don't believe I can be friends with someone who is always polite and hides his real feelings. Can you?
Did you ever share your opinion, your thoughts or is that something you only do in your offline life?

Sorry, that my comment is long, no need to answer.
I wish you a good weekend and fun on Steemit.


You must actually be testing my memory, in #wewrite, you require participants to comment on several posts in several communities. Plus, you also gave the format of the items you scored in each comment.

Observations, this point requires reading attentively every post written by other users and finding something unique about the post (story/image/experience) that triggers a reaction. Speaking of Valuable Information, apart from sharing videos or images, you can also give advice. Now related to Question, it is a good strategy to provoke responses in the form of answers that will be an asset to continue interacting (although not always successful).

Yes, I don't recommend comments that are too long, if they seem to be floating around without a clear purpose. I don't think this applies to you, I mean few people are able or willing to make long comments, not just long, but have something worth entering the reader's mind.

What about Moderator reviews, yes most of them are just playing the template and very few want to add words of opinion about the post they are reviewing, but that's not a mistake is it? Because there are no certain rules and just like the right to comment, users also have the right not to comment.

So if I become a Moderator, what is your advice for me?

I would like to see moderators engage. If it comes to me there's no need to leave a report. For #wewrite those rules were set, so do many other communities follow rules but 50% of the info is never checked if not more let aloe the text is read. If that would be the case remarks would be made about titles, use of photos, strange codes visible, 50% of the text is the same line being repeated, the wrong use of hashtags (typos included) and questions about the text would be made.

A group of commenters (the new moderator) would benefit the communities and Steemit more. Let's not pretend as if those mod-reports are studied. 99% if not 99.9% ignores what is written. If you saw one, you saw them all.

In a personal comment certain points can be pointed out as well. The past months a lot has changed. Clubstatus, powerdowns are no longer a reason to shut anyone out. Commitment/engagement counts.

AI is harder to check so good readers are needed. People willing to read through the account to see if there's a nice, change in writing style.

I don't know what your reason are to be a modeator. To earn or? Since that makes a world of difference but overall I would say don't sell your soul for a boosting vote and do what feels good to you. Here a burnout is around the corner.

If you like to read and comment you are welcome at the freewriters.

I have no hesitation in saying that you are the queen of moderation, and I would like to be one of the group of commenters as you put it. I would love the opportunity to liven up the commenting, supporting what you do. Tell me the secret about your never-ending tirelessness!

Than join me and start commenting in freewriters. If it works well I will set you as a moderator. All you have to do is to read and learn the freewriters know. Artistic people are a different breed and we no reports are needed but AI and plagiarism should be checked. I will see you there.

What makes you think I am never tired? Of course, I am but mainly my fingers from typing and at times my but or eyes. LOL A long sleep solves that. I like to read and thanks to being a moderator and curator I daily read great, interesting, surprising posts on my search for creativity. That's what drives me and gives a lot of energy. All I wish it more time to write for me which is the only downside but I am thinking about letting go of posting and commenting more or mainly. I will see what works out the best.