SV Desafío fotográfico #133 📸🕵️ Tema libre.
This is @rumanaafroz,
From Bangladesh.
I have come to submit my part in the weekly photography competition organized by you today. I hope you like my photography today.
Photography of a sweet rose wet with dew
Today I am going to make you friends with this light sweet colored rose of my choice. Because this rose flower has occupied the place of my best friend. These flowers bloom on this tree of mine all year round.
And it continues to give me a beautiful sweet fragrance along with beauty. I went to her scholarship examination center with my daughter. And there was this plant shop next to it. So I met this flower there. I have become quite close to it during that time. I could not keep the rose tree anymore. I bought it with me.
This plant has been giving me flowers ever since I bought it. And whenever I go to the roof to take care of my plants, I always take some flower photography. Two weeks ago, when I went to the roof in the morning, I saw roses and other flowers covered in dew all night. Seeing this, my eyes and heart danced with joy to take their photographs. I captured the photographs with great love and care on my phone camera.
This dewy scene of roses attracts me a lot. While scrolling through my photo gallery, I suddenly stop when I come to the photography of this rose. When I zoom in, it seems like the creator has created nature with so much beauty. I am fascinated when my rose tree blooms. These white flowers, hidden behind the green leaves, seem to show off their beauty.
When I go near my flower plants, I want to touch them gently. When the dew drops on the petals of the roses dry, I gently touch them and make them realize my love and affection. Because these rose plants keep me happy by constantly giving me flowers and fragrance. So I fill my heart with affection for them.
I hope you like my photography of these roses today. Wishing everyone a healthy and safe life, I bid farewell here.
(Device -OPPOA5s)
I would like to invite
to participate in this competition.
Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.
Good luck to you.
Rumana Afroz
Hola, hola.
De verdad que la foto de la flor blanca y dulce es muy bonita y con el rocío se ve espectacular.
Gracias por la invitación.
Éxito y más éxito.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻
Amiga estan bellas tus fotos, que bueno lograste tomar las fotos cuando las flores estaban en un baño de gotas de agua se ven preciosas.
Te deseo que pases un feliz día de la Mujer.