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RE: Holy Comments and Energy Exchange — A Universal Change (Concurso: ¿Te gusta comentar?)

in Steem Venezuela2 months ago

When I typed a comment on any posts (never mind the comment contests posts) if it's an art (drawing, painting, crafts) I won't read the post, just staring at the pictures first. Then, I read and find any interesting info about the process.

On a diary game posts, I'll read the tittle first and won't read if the thumbnail is not intriguingly beautiful or rare sights to see.

When it come to your post, I need to translate first and then read it carefully, follow the chain posts then comeback to stare at the mandala or memes 😁 why? Just as you mentioned, I need inspiration to start my rainbow gas something out from the unicorn thingy under tail🤣🤣 JK!!

As a commenter who collected a lot of power and energy from whoever the curators or dust vote saviours (egregor, what's that? Is it safe to eat?) I learned that there's something more than just a flattering comment to create. I need to encourage the author and continue the convo if it's something I can find a word to keep it going (English is my third language, no AI generated, so mind the structure and composition) 😁. One thing for sure, through the comments thread, I can find a lot of information that not presented in the post and some inspiration from the sarcasms comments.

Oohh.. let me know, which posts to suck more energy through commenting in the future 🤣🤣🤣 a scavenger hunt the energy to power up is on🔥🔥


Hello, Cici Atjeh.

I am fluent in Ukrainian and Russian to the same extent. However, in English, I have a large vocabulary but still struggle with grammar. Therefore, I still don't fully understand the structure.

When I need a text in English, like today for the contest, I write it in Ukrainian first and then use ChatGPT instead of Google Translate to translate my post.
Since this is just a translation of my own text, I believe the authorship still remains mine.

egregor, what's that? Is it safe to eat?

If we simplify and shorten it, an egregore is an energy-information structure that is a collection of mental energy generated by a certain micro-society/group of people who create this energy together through collective activity.
Religious people might compare an egregore to a demon of a particular sphere, but unlike a demon, an egregore has no self-awareness, and whatever energy is infused into it by the group, that is what it becomes. The Steemit egregore should be intellectual and have certain qualities of a "muse," so we can certainly "eat" it (e.g., draw inspiration or ideas from this energy structure if we learn to interact with it consciously). However, as I’ve mentioned before, these concepts are anti-scientific, just like most other esoteric things. Although, I think from the standpoint of quantum physics, this could be fully justified and proven true, it's just that no "conclusive proof" has been made yet, or I am unaware of such research.

Thanks for the explanation, I see 😉 alright I need to leave my fun seeker ego to be able to react to your quantum physics standpoint. The simple way to describe egregore in my perspective is a group of whale who's supported by planktons 🤭 ooppss

Haha, good wordplay. It's like you're turning everything upside down on the role-playing level, but from the perspective of the egregore, this is probably how it works: it's like the big holographic whale of Steemit, formed on the subtle plane from the pure energies of all the users who have invested their time, energy, and mental effort into it.
...Well done, smart woman)