Bound by Distance


Hi, I am Abdul Gaffoor, Sri Lankan. I am writing with a heavy heart as I find myself immersed in the bittersweet reality of a foreign life. For more than 16 years, I have been living and working in Qatar, thousands of miles away from my beloved family. Every two years, I am granted a brief respite to visit them during my vacation, but those cherished moments pass by like a fleeting dream, leaving me with tears in my eyes as I bid them goodbye once again.

My heart aches with an overwhelming longing for my family. The days in Qatar seem never-ending, and I often find myself trapped between four walls, yearning for the familiar warmth of my home in Sri Lanka. The foreign life feels like a form of captivity, where the chains of distance and separation are too tight to break free from.

During the nights, when the silence engulfs me, memories of my wife and son flood my mind, and sleep becomes an elusive companion. I stare at the moonlit sky, wondering if they are gazing at the same moon, sharing the same thoughts of missing me. It's in these moments of solitude that the weight of being far from my loved ones feels the heaviest.

I am not alone in this struggle. Thousands of souls living far from their families share this agonizing experience. We find solace in one another's company, as we understand the pain and longing in each other's eyes. We forge connections and friendships, forming a support system in this foreign land, but it never replaces the love and warmth we crave from our families back home.

As the years pass, I still find myself unable to prepare for a settled life in my motherland. The ties that bind me to Qatar are complex. It has given me opportunities and a means to provide for my family, yet it has also created a void that cannot be filled. My heart yearns for the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of Sri Lanka—the place I truly call home.

However, the current situation in Sri Lanka is critical, making the prospect of returning home more uncertain than ever. The economic challenges and political unrest cast a shadow on the stability and safety of my homeland. As a responsible husband and father, I must consider the future of my family, and the question of how to settle down with them for a long and secure life weighs heavily on my mind.

My wife and son understand the sacrifices I make for them. They never complain, but their smiles hide the pain of separation. We communicate through letters, emails, and video calls, but the virtual world can never replace the warmth of a physical embrace. It's heartbreaking to miss the little moments—the first steps of my son, the loving touch of my wife's hand, and the joy of being with family during festivals and celebrations.

Sometimes, I imagine a life where I can wake up every morning to the sound of their laughter, where we can share meals together and create new memories as a family. But until then, I must persevere, for my family's sake and for the dream of a brighter future.

The foreign life has taught me resilience and gratitude for the moments I do get to spend with my loved ones. It has made me appreciate the simple pleasures of life and cherish the value of family bonds. Still, it remains a haunting journey of emotional highs and lows, where my heart is constantly torn between two worlds.

As the years go by, I hold on to hope that one day, circumstances will align, and I will find a way to reunite my family and create a new chapter in our lives. Until that day comes, I will continue to carry the weight of my heart, and the tears of longing will serve as a reminder of the love that transcends borders and distance—a love that binds us together as one, even in the vast expanse of the foreign life.