(其实这个项目现在已经做了三版了,第一版是因为桥位在其他地方,工程名称还是这个名字,那一版是算了是40万,然后第二版是挪了桥位,然后第二版价格给我们也算了60万,第三版 桥梁结构形式完全变了又重做,如果还算40万的话,其实这个项目我们已经能在合同上敲定140万左右了,我觉得其实已经不错了。前面付了几十万给我们了,第二版钱还没付完。)
他们如果按照老板的价格去和业主谈,肯定会被业主骂得狗血淋头,还有可能把单子谈黄了。要是不按老板说的价格去谈,在公司就会被老板大骂一顿。其实他们在公司已经被老板骂了好几顿了,有时候真是觉得搞经营的人接活、搞合同也确实挺难做的,伸头一刀,缩头也是一刀,里外都不是人的感觉挺难受的。真希望他们能找到一个妥善的解决办法,让这个项目顺利推进下去,不然无论是对公司还是对我们项目组的成员,损失都太大了 ,大家这段时间的辛苦付出也都白费了。
Today, I'd like to continue complaining about the matter I wrote about yesterday. Since there are no colleagues or friends I know here, I can freely express my thoughts. Well, actually, there is a former colleague named Xiaohuangniao here, but it doesn't really matter even if he sees this.
Here's the situation. Didn't I complain in yesterday's article about the design fee for the third version of the previous project? Our boss proposed 900,000 yuan, but the other party pushed it down to 280,000 yuan, and the two sides were deadlocked.
Then, today, the dean from the other side finally opened his mouth and offered to raise it to 400,000 yuan. It was the dean from the business department who directly said, "Take it or leave it." His tone was completely as if he was standing on the moral high ground, being overbearing and arrogant.
Our company's boss was extremely angry when he heard this. Then he kept telling the person in charge of the contract in our company's business department that we should firmly not agree. The bottom line is 500,000 yuan, and we should never give in. He also said that if it's only 400,000 yuan, we won't take the money for this version, and we won't hand over the drawings either. Anyway, the boss kept saying harsh words in the company, and all of us in the project team heard it.
In fact, we were a bit worried. We were afraid that the boss would be so angry that he might really give up the 400,000 yuan design fee in a fit of anger. Then, wouldn't all of us in this project team have worked in vain for a month? Our salaries and bonuses would all be gone, which is really a terrifying thought.
Of course, we also know that the boss was just talking out of anger. Why was the boss so angry this time? There were many similar projects in the past, and the prices were also greatly discounted by the other party, sometimes to 60% or 70% of the original price, or even cut in half. But the boss generally accepted all projects as long as they came along because more projects meant more benefits, and he hadn't been this angry before.
The reason is that in previous projects, the boss only took care of the business operation aspect, that is, bringing in projects from the outside. He rarely participated in the design work and the affairs of the project team. However, this project is different. Due to the relatively high technical difficulty and the shortage of manpower in the company at present, the boss personally got deeply involved in this project.
Since he joined the project, he has been working hard with us every day. In the most extreme week, he worked 14 hours a day. Therefore, compared with the previous projects where he didn't participate, he has devoted a great deal of effort to this project. For a project that he personally participated in, having the price squeezed so severely by the client, which is more than a 50% reduction, it's no wonder he was so angry. This feeling is understandable.
But we all tried to persuade him. Given the current tough economic environment, since the other party has already increased the price a bit, we should accept it while we can. After all, with the price of 400,000 yuan offered by the other party, it's possible that if we look for other companies or private contractors outside, they might also be willing to take the project. Although it's only 50,000 yuan lower than the price of 450,000 yuan we inquired about from outside before, the possibility of someone else taking over the project has increased significantly, and we are not irreplaceable. So we all kept persuading the boss to accept it, lest we let the deal slip through our fingers.
Moreover, for this project, the construction design drawings for the third version have basically been completed. Only the final cross-checking stage is left, and the engineering quantity list and the general layout plan have all been summarized. As long as the two sides reach an agreement on the price and sign the contract, we can basically hand over all the achievements of the third version to them in two days.
However, just at this crucial moment, the boss felt that we had been oppressed too much by the clients and the employers in the past. This time, we must stand up firmly. So he flatly refused. This has put the people in the business department in a very difficult position.
If they negotiate with the client according to the price set by the boss, they will definitely be severely scolded by the client, and there is also a high possibility of ruining the deal. If they don't negotiate according to the price the boss said, they will be severely criticized by the boss in the company. In fact, they have already been scolded by the boss several times in the company. Sometimes, we really feel that it's really difficult for the people in charge of business operations, such as taking on projects and handling contracts. It's like facing a dilemma where no matter what they do, they will be in trouble. It's really an uncomfortable feeling of being caught in the middle. I sincerely hope that they can find an appropriate solution to smoothly advance this project. Otherwise, whether for the company or for the members of our project team, the losses will be too great, and all the hard work we have put in during this period will be in vain.
Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.