In a world of joy - U svetu radosti

The paths leave traces of memory with the romantic lights of your smile that gives me the strength to love, to be a person who progresses towards perfection. So beautiful, modest and sweet in the enchanting game of passion and virtue, you showed the lowest forms of support with touches of fragrant kisses.
Life is a reality, a mystique that flows as he said in unexplored areas of the soul, maybe we started an avalanche of emotions through virtual games of consciousness and love. Everything is part of a larger meaning, our wisdom lags behind the hidden details of the ego and the imperfections of the senses that give us a certain direction of intuitive decisions.
You are a rarity of abundance with challenging tastes of victory, you are the fragrant emblem of my heart with an artistic form of pleasure. Awaken me with the touch of spring and soft lips with the taste of infinite happiness, I want those moments that guided me on the paths of your heart to return.
U svetu radosti

Putevi ostavljaju tragove sećanja sa romantičnim svetlima tvog osmeha koji mi daje snagu da volim, da budem ličnost koja napreduje prema savršenstvu. Tako lepa, skromna i mila u zanosnoj igri strasti i vrline, ti si pokazala najnižnije oblike podrške sa dodirima mirisnih poljubaca.
Život je realnost, mistika koja teče kao rekao u neistraženim predelima duše, možda smo pokrenuli lavinu emocija kroz virtuelne igre svesti i ljubavi. Sve je deo nekog većeg smisla, naša mudrost zaostaje iza skrivenih detalja ega i nesavršenosti čula koja nam daju određeni pravac intuitivnih odluka.
Ti si retkost izobilja sa izazovnim ukusima pobede, ti si mirisni amblem moga srca sa umetničkom formom zadovoljstva. Probudi me dodirom proleća i mekim usnama sa ukusom beskonačne sreće, želim da se vrate oni momenti koji su me vodili putevima tvoga srca.
Original poetry written by @dobartim
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change can happen with quick action after thinking .. i hope .. me and you can be more creative and successful .. @dobartim.
Life is real, life is hard, ego is big but with tenderness it can overcome everything, I hope we are always happy and always successful @dobartim.
Welcome to Balkan community
Thank you very much @dobartim
You are welcome
very good strings of words .. continued success @dobartim
Thank you
Motivational words that are even more encouraging.
Thank you
I am always inspired by the sweet words that you say here.
Thank you for sharing the happiness of Mr. @dobartim.
You are welcome
Yeah, welcome .
How nice
Your literal might is quite formidable. Thanks for sharing
You are welcome