Puffins Are Known As 'ocean Parrots' Because Of Their Splendidly Shaded Charges And Are For The Most Part Tracked Down On Rough Drifts And Seaward Islands.
2. THEY ARE For The Most Part EUROPEAN
Around 90% Of The Atlantic Puffin Populace Are Tracked Down In Europe; With 80% In Iceland And Norway, And The Excess 10% Variety Around England And Ireland. There Are North Of 1 Million Puffins In The UK.
3. THEY DRESS TO Dazzle IN Reproducing SEASON
Puffins Are Dark On Top With White Paunches And Cheeks. In The Rearing Season, They Have Splendidly Hued Bills, Orange Legs And Extremely Unmistakable Red And Bruised Eye Markings.
4. LIGHT AS A Quill
Puffins Weigh Somewhere In The Range Of 320 And 480g And Are 26-29cm Long With A Wingspan Of 47-63cm.
5. Anybody FOR A 60 Meter Plunge?
Puffins Jump Into The Water To Get Their Prey, For The Most Part Inside 30 Meters Of The Water's Surface However They Can Plunge Down To 60 Meters.
6. THEIR Number One FOOD IS... FISH!
The Most Widely Recognized Prey For UK Puffins Is The Lesser Sandeel, Trailed By Sprat And Herring.
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