Colourful work of bees and ants.

in New Destinationlast year (edited)

Assalamualikum everybody. I am @mdmamnurrashid. Nowadays i've written a piece of writing approximately bees and ants.
In 1973, von French received the arena's most prestigious Nobel Prize for his studies on bee behaviour and verbal exchange. After discovering a new lawn or flower, a bee returns to the hive and maps an appropriate path for its fellow bees through a behaviour referred to as the bee dance. Such behaviour, supposed to tell different employee bees, has been scientifically verified with video and other methods. Some of the speak in Shakespeare's Henry the Fourth mentions bees as soldiers and having a king. That is how humans notion of bees in Shakespeare's time. They concept employee bees have been male and had to answer to a king bee back home. This isn't accurate in any respect. Employee bees are better halves and answer to the queen bee, now not the king bee, but this reality turned into found over 300 years ago by using present day studies.
Bees take in the juice of diverse flowers and culmination and shop it in wax cells after making honey of their our bodies. Honey is made within the bee's belly. We recognise that honey has restoration residences and is a moderate disinfectant. All through global battle II, Russians used honey to dry their wounds. If there's moisture inside the wound, it heals a little. Because of the attention of honey, no fungus or micro organism can develop in the wound. If someone has an allergic disorder because of a plant, then if he liquids honey extracted from that plant, his immune machine will growth. Honey contains sugar, fructose, and vitamin k. Honey is a drink that comes out of the bee's belly, is special in colour, and contains treatments for people.
The animals and insects that most closely resemble human beings are ants. It's far possible to verify the fact with the subsequent records approximately ants.

Like humans, ants bury their useless.
An advanced division of labour exists among ants, along with managers, supervisors, chiefs, squaddies, people, and so on.
From time to time, they get collectively to proportion stories.
They have advanced techniques of keeping in contact with every different.
They regularly installation markets to trade goods.
They save meals grains for a long term inside the iciness, and if the grains sprout, they reduce their roots.
Possibly they realise that if the meals grains are left of their sprouting nation, they may rot. In order that they take them outdoor to dry inside the sun and bring them back inner after drying.
This is it for nowadays. Have a tremendous day.

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 last year (edited)

Thank you very much for sharing a beautiful post, definitely stay active and comment, all the best for your post.I hope you post regularly to this community.

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