Deep darkness in the ocean. @hasnahena

in New Destinationlast year (edited)


Assalamu Alaikum. Greetings to all, I am Hasnahena. How are you all? I am fine Alhamdulillah. There has been so much talk about the submarine Titan for the past few days, so today, I would like to shed some light on the unimaginable depth of the ocean, the black and dark environment. I hope you like the article.

Scientists have recently confirmed with the help of modern equipment about the darkness of the deep sea that humans cannot dive more than 20 to 30 meters underwater without help and cannot live underwater for more than 200 meters in ocean regions. The Rainbow is formed by mixing seven colors. The colors are purple, blue, sky blue, yellow, orange and red.


As ray of light falls into the water, either the colors are reflected of absorbed. Water absorbs a red color from 10 meters to 25 meters above the surface. So, if a human is bleeding 25 meters below the surface, he wont be able to see the color of his own blood as red color do not reach that deep. Then the orange color is absorbed between 30 to 50 meters, yellow is in between 50 to 100, green is in between 100 to 200 and lastly, blue and purple reaches deeper than 200 meters. After that the sea gets darker and its completely darkness below 1000 meters.


Clouds block the path of the sun's rays which creates the first layer of darkness. When ray of light falls on the surface of water which mostly reflects and creates darkness below. Therefore, two part of sea is created. The higher part of the sea is bright and warm but the deeper part is completely opposite, cold and dark. Because of the waves, the upper part differs from the deep sea. Internal waves include the deep waters of seas and oceans. Because the lower water is dense than the upper water, darkness begins beneath the inner waves, and even fish cannot see under the sea. Only source of light they have is their own body.


This year, on June 18 a five member crew dived in the Atlantic Ocean in search of the wreckage of the historical ship, the Titanic. The dived into the water with a submarine named the Titan. It disappeared after two and a half hours of sailing, and on June 22, the wreckage of the Titanic was found near the Titanic's wreckage. Basically, this submarine Titan exploded due to the pressure of water in the deep sea. Chances are low for the five bodies to be recovered.



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