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RE: SEC-S16W2 | Viajes en solitario o en grupo

in Traveling Steemlast year

Hello dear friend, @carlaisl

  • Oh of course group travel is always a lot of fun you are right. It is true that we can share everything with each other during group travel. Also the travel expenses can be shared which you are right. You have chosen beaches, pools and a new country to visit which is really beautiful and well planned. Wishing you more travel and enjoyment. Very nice to read your post friend and so wish you all the best in this competition. Also travel more I look forward to reading your next travels. May your every day be beautiful.

Best regards from @robin42

 last year 

Saludos, muchas gracias por el apoyo 💚

Ojala pueda viajar mucho mas, ya sea sola o con buena compañía.

Dios te bendiga