Construyendo un mejor 2025

in Comunidad Latina2 months ago

Hello Everyone. I am @khokonmia From Bangladesh .

January is the month of inspiration.To begin, let me meet my friends . Today I am here to present my participation in this competition. We start the year by setting goals, inviting us to start 2025 on the right track and with all the tools. So let's get started.

💛 ¿Qué acción puedes tomar esta semana para acercarte a una de tus metas?

The most important thing to move forward on the path to achieving my goals. Losing weight to improve my health is one of my primary life goals.My first task is to do it because I have been suffering from physical problems for a long time. I suffer from spinal complications. The doctor has advised me to lose weight very quickly. I have decided that I need to achieve the weight loss that I really need to improve my physical condition and increase my work performance.

💛 ¿Qué hábito diario podría tener el mayor impacto postivo en tu vida este año?

This year I am more determined. The daily habit that has the best impact on my life must be started a year ago. I have to dedicate time to myself. How do I achieve this by eating healthy foods, doing the necessary exercises for my body every day and regularly. The only purpose of which is to achieve the best version of myself.

💛 ¿Qué logro del año pasado quieres celebrar y usar como motivación para este?

One of the biggest successes of 2024. I took the language test to go to the Kuria and I survived but I could not pass the test due to my health. All my efforts were wasted. I hope that this time the results will be as good or better than last year. And what stopped me last year. By the grace of God, I will not repeat that incident again, InshaAllah.

💛¿Como puedes organizar tus días para sentirte más productivo y menos abrumado?

to experience less stress and greater productivity. I have always had a speciality of relying on my memory to complete all the tasks of the day.Everything is up to you and your choice. That is why in 2025 I decided to organize my tasks and write down everything I have to do for the day in order to win the battle against stress and achieve greater personal performance in my daily activities. What I want to show is to be more productive.

💛¿Qué pequeña inversión en ti mismo puedes hacer este mes para crecer?

The small investment I will make for my own improvement is to continuously resume my activities within Steemit, which I have been inactive for a long time.In order to keep developing personally, I have made the decision to consistently restart my actions on the platform. As well as improving my body and health. Stay well everyone, see you soon with something new.


SL No.My Invited Steemit Friends
Thank you very much for reading my post.

◦•●◉✿ Thank's Everyone ✿◉●•◦

Best Regards



Hola amigo que buena entrada donde das respuestas a cada interrogante explicando todo lo que deseas alcanzar.
Esta hermosa esa siembra de palmas donde tomaste la foto.
Gracias por compartir esta publicación con nosotros.

Hola, en nuestra comunidad solo están permitidas las publicaciones en español o portugués, al realizar la traducción con gusto te verificaremos, saludos.

No entendí el tema, intentaré traducir el texto de la publicación al español o portugués. Saludos cordiales.