The good way

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)


It is heart breaking what is going on in my dear country, even among kids who are supposed to still be under the tutelage of their parents

Prov 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Dear parents, there is a way every child MUST be taught to go, if you don’t teach them the right way, they will find their own way outside your roof!

We leave children to go through their childhood and adolescence, without being actively involved in their mind formation

It takes a lot to parent a child! The job doesn’t end at bringing them into the world, clothing and feeding them, there’s lots more to do in helping to shape how they think!

There’s need to help them cultivate the right values as early as possible

Every child that skips training at home becomes a nuisance in the society

There is already a scarcity of role models out there, to show the young people what genuine success truly is

So, everyone is under pressure to find their ways to the top, regardless of the means, forgetting that life is a process!

How would they comply at this stage if their hearts were not captured when they were young

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3

Though the country is hard
Though the government has failed
It is true that things are not easy for everyone, but being a product of these circumstances, remains a CHOICE and not a MUST!

~Let’s go back to the homes and raise our kids well
~Let’s go back to the families and cultivate the right values
~Be actively involved in shaping your children
~Ask questions about their lives and destinies
~Let your boy child know that becoming a man is not a minute jump
~Let your girl child know that her success is not attached to the bank account of a boy
~Tell her that her relevance is not tied to the front seat of a Benz she doesn’t know how it was purchased

~Know what pressure they are experiencing from peers
~Help them grow well in this deformed generation, so that they can stand the test of time in the near future
~Find out their definition of success and correct every misconception ON TIME!
~Find out who their role models are, just so you know what they are thinking about their tomorrow!

God didn’t give you a child for situation to turn him into a murderer or her into a victim of murder

Train your boy child
Train your girl child



Regards to @infovore @davidad @steemwomensclub

©Lilian Ubani


Hola amiga excelentes reflexiones, es triste, pero la realidad que se ve a diario, muchos niños en abandono, jóvenes sin guía alguna para enfrentar las circunstancias de la vida, Dios nos dio los hijos para darles amor, educarlos en valores y ayudarlos a vivir en este mundo, no para abandonarlos, gracias por compartir.

Saludos y bendiciones.

@crismaidel good contribution you have done so far. It's very good for us to change our narrative on how we grow our children nowadays. Thanks for coming in here.