Motivational story: How I connected to my Lunar Cycle

Hello, beautiful Godesses of SteemWoman Club!

This is my first post here and I would like to share with you my experience of connection with my Lunar Cycle and how beneficial it is for me.


For a loooong loooong time I didn't accept my cyclic nature. I hated the part of my cycle where I got my menstruation as I had very painful periods that would completely knock me off my feet and I needed to stay in bed for one or two days in order to survive. No kidding. I was sooo weak and my energy level was so low that I literally needed to hug my thermophore and stay as calm as possible. No food, just tea and rest.

Lately, I am exploring through various techniques my non-acceptance of this cyclic nature and does it have any connection with my painful periods. Guess what, it does. I discovered that I feel ashamed of me being weak as I usually do not show up in front of other people when I am in pain. I close myself in my cocoon and wait until it is all done and I can be strong again.

The first step toward me accepting my cyclic nature was to accept that my pain and weakness are here to teach me something. I accepted that these are the moments where I am completely calm, present, and feeling my body fully. I accepted that this is necessary for me to connect with my body more. Now that I know that my pain wants me to connect with my body more, now I can start connecting on a daily basis so the pain doesn't have to visit me anymore...

The second step for me was to realize and accept that I am ashamed of being weak. I accept that I do not feel comfortable showing other people that in one part of my cycle I am not as strong as in the other part of my cycle.

The next step was to allow myself to just take it easy and take it slow. In this time I can connect with my deep intuition and wisdom we all have as we have the whole universe in our own womb.

Next was to realize that I have resentment in my heart & womb toward all men and women that did me harm and toward things that happened in my past. After realization came forgiveness. What a breakthrough!

And the last thing I did was to completely connect myself with four phases of our Lunar Cycle, four Archetypes:

Maiden, Mother, Priestess, and Witch.

A deep realization came to me a few days ago, when I entered the Priestess phase. I realized that my physical energy is going down because my energy is directed now more to the inner world so that is why I do not have that much energy for the outer world. I realized that I am closing myself more in my inner space which I honored and respected for the first time in my life. Usually, I would push myself to be this open, strong and joyful person but I really didn't felt that way so I decided not to fake it. I showed myself to the outer world like this, which was really challenging for me and a huge step out of my comfort zone. Before it was unimaginable for me to show my vulnerability, lack of strength, and being deeply introverted. Now I did and was amazed by how easily was for other people to accept this version of me.

Also, what I realized in this Priestess phase is that I do not have PMS. I don't have this so-called Pre-Menstrual Syndrome! I am not nervous, I stopped eating sugar in this phase and changed it to eating sweet fruit like dates and dry figs. My boobs are not tense. I feel this is very much connected with me accepting this phase which I know is the hardest task in this linear, masculine energy dominant world.

I realized that the Maiden and Mother phase of our cycle are accepted in this masculine world, but our Priestess and Witch phase are not. In fact, they burned women in the past for having this deep connection with intuition and inner wisdom. We are naturally connected to the Luna (the Moon) as they are naturally connected to the Sun. It is nor good nor bad. It is just the nature of our existence.

Dear woman who reads this, dear Goddess, dear sister, I invite you to realize and allow yourself to experience full potential of every phase of your cycle as I did because it deepened my insights soooo much. I had so many deep realizations lately just because I allowed to look at this part of me that I ignored my whole life because it was ignored and banned for centuries.

But, it is in our blood, this wild and wise woman, a woman that knows how to live in tune with her cyclic nature, connect to deep intuition and to ancestral wisdom. I invite you to go deep in your womb and find her...she is somewhere in the dark corner, hidden, expelled from consciousness.

Hug her, love her, allow her to express and see how deep she is, how deep you are.


This is me with my art, being wild and free.

For more of my art visit:
INSTAGRAM or Petra's Photography or Petra's Art & Design
