Hello, my dear Beautiful Women!
Makeup has always been on trend. Nowadays, many girls spend time trying to adapt to the new beauty products that come on the market, however, we are tempted to recreate any style we can think of. Makeup, makes us look fabulous in just a couple of minutes, no matter what style we wear.
I'm happy because I recreated a special makeup look for the @steemwomensclub community inspired by the beautiful colors that make the difference in their logo and that of course ARE MY PREFERRED. I consider it a space that provides unconditional support to women content creators and their slogan fits perfectly; "Together we are stronger".
Below I show you in detail how to make this colorful makeup, that if you like you can wear it to a party or if you are more daring use it in the daily. join me!
- Base - Shadow palette - Eyeliner - False Eyelashes - Praimer - Translucent powder - Concealer - Contour - Blush - Nude lipstick - Eyeliner pencil

I recently bought a palette that has me excited, its pigmentation is incredible and its colors are FABULOUS, I did my makeup using this magical tool.

STEP 1:.
Moisturizing the face is extremely important, for this I always do a routine in advance with aloe vera and handmade soap to remove impurities and prepare the face for cosmetic products. I start with my eyebrows, using a brown eyeliner pencil, drawing a lower line from the beginning and the upper one from the middle, with the comb I evenly distributed the product leaving a more natural design. Next, I applied a small amount of Usha primer to start making my canvas (skin) this will help the shadows have better pigmentation and the color will be more striking.

STEP 2:.

STEP 3:.
With a flat brush, we mark the half moon and with a cotton swab soaked in make-up remover we remove the dark shadows from the mobile eyelid and proceed to mark with concealer.

STEP 4:.


Muy lindo maquillaje y amo la selección de colores, de mis favoritas y de las que más uso💕 además de una excelente elección de paleta, que es idea para quienes quieren empezar a jugar con colores, a un precio muy accesible pero de buena calidad👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💕💕💕
Tus ojos se ven realmente hermosos con ese maquillaje vibrante, como me gustaría poder maquillarme así. Tu paso a paso es estupendo. Muy bonito post, te deseo mucho éxito.
gracias manitA!
Muy bello tu maquillaje amiga.
Gracias bella por tu apoyo!
Te quedó hermoso. Felicidades
Tan bella Cris!
The quality post of the day was chosen in the Steem women club community. It will be supported by Booming. Stay active in the community.
Apoyo incondicional a las mujeres. Gracias!
Hermosa publicacion amiga como siempre... Me encantó el maquillaje. Saludos y éxitos para ti.
Gracias Sara☺️
Muy bello! Felicidades! ❤️
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de comentar. Agradecida!
Muy lindo tu maquillaje amiga
Muchísimas gracias Dra. Un fuerte abrazo para usted.
Igual mi linda.
Feliz noche ✨🌙
Me encanto este maquillaje, te ves hermosa.
Muchísimas gracias! Lindo gesto de tu parte llegar hasta acá!
Muy hermoso tu maquillaje...!!