 3 years ago 

Great, I think you possess every quality of a leader and there is nothing hindering you from achieving this position. You shouldn't have even been apply to me, I would have just selected you without even going through your application. With all things been equal, I wish you the best of luck in your application. ✌

Thanks a lot for your feedback bro. I appreciate it.

 3 years ago 

My pleasure bro

 3 years ago 

You have been of great help to me ever since I joined this platform last year October, you always listen and correct newbies and help in various ways and that is a very good leadership style. I wish you all best go higher bro😊.

Thanks brother. I appreciate it.

Thank you very much for this few years you have been with us. You did a wonderful job and we the steem-ghana members appreciate you for that. I wish you a good luck for this competition.

Thanks a lot brother.

You have been an amazing figure and a role model to Steem Ghana. I hope you can be given this opportunity once again to continue your good work.

I wish you success in your application.

Thanks friend. I appreciate your kind words.

You're a great leader and you possess good management skills

Thanks buddy.

 3 years ago 

I have been waiting for this for the past few days, and finally it is here. 😏😏😏

Your work on this platforn have been exceptional, if i am permitted to say, I would conclude that you are the best country representative I have seen on this great platform.

Why do I say this?

The fact that you take your time out of your busy schedules to organise meetings on telegram, discord and sometimes WhatsApp just to teach us the do's and don't is even enough. The fact that you visit almost every post in the community to upvote posts and leave important and encouraging words keep me thinking that you not selfish and that you want us all to grow together.

Using your precious steem to organize contest sometimes for us shows you are a giver and know that givers never lack. More importantly using your precious time even during exams week to organize contest for us is soo amazing. I say that God bless you.

Wishing you the very best in your application.

Thanks a lot bro. It’s always a pleasure to give back to community.

You have presented a good application, it will be good if you are taken into account as a Ghanaian cr.
I wish you good luck

Many thanks @olabillions.

 3 years ago 

The hopes that keeps us going. you have been one of the efficient tools on my stay on the blockchain. The role fits you perfectly well. Everything about you, your leadership, how you have kept us shows how committed you are to this position.

You deserve it. Go for Gold Boss.

Thank you my friend.

Good luck to this application sir.. I have known you for a while now and you are doing remarkable things in guiding Steemians in your country.. Ghana community need an experience and determined Steemian like you to be their leaders

Congratulations 👏🎉 in advance

Thank a lot friend

 3 years ago 

I pray you success friend. Get in there! Your works will talk for you. Thank you for sharing your application.

Thank you bro.