Facts about Junk..

in Steem Ghana3 years ago



Hello friends and famz, trust you're good. Am happy to be back in your faces. I trust you enjoyed my last blog on the benefits of exercise. Today I will be sharing with us another useful lesson on health.

We will be looking at the subject "Junk". Am sure many of us here are familiar with this word and if you ain't,do worry no,I will be talking extensively about it in this post. Do enjoy this ride with me.


Everything in the world today is tending toward the "Fast idea". What do I mean by fast idea? Well I mean we all want things done very fast and conveniently.This has also crept into our eating habit and diet.

Today we now have what we call "fast food". Which are edible that are prepared within a very short period of time, some are even pre-pakaged and stored in advance just for you to pickup and then eat.

Some of these edible fall into the categories of food called junk, now we have to analyse questions like ,How nutritious are these edibles? Do they have any health implications? How often should I eat them?,should I even eat at all...

I will be sharing with us the health implication of eating these food and I believe you will be able to get answers to the above questions from the points I will be highlighting in the next section of this post.

Profound Fact about Junks

Let's check out some amazing fact about Junks . Don't forget that the goal of this section is to help us answer the question I highlighted above.

  • Most Junks are prepared in an unhealthy manner

Most of this junks are not being prepared in an healthy environment. We really have to be careful what we put in our belle. Some of the ingredients used as well are of low quality.

You can't really tell if the ingredients are really fresh or stale. This is unlike the food you eat at home that you can tell what and what you put together to come up with the nutritious meal.



You can also maintain personal hygiene when preparing your food at home because you care about your health. But this is not the case with most junk outlets,they are out for business and most don't care about how the place where the edible is being prepared looks like.

All they are after is how to meet up with demand even at the detriment of the consumers. Am sure many of us reading this will stop patronizing these people if we are opportuned to see where and how the things you eat is being prepared.

  • Exposure to Heart related Disease, and Diabetes.

Another important fact based on research is that these type of food exposes you to heart related diseases and diabetis. This is as a result of the excess cholesterol and triglyceride it contains. Having too much of cholesterol already gives room for attack on the heart.

Most junks also contains alot of sugar, fat and salt which exposes you to diabetes and cancer. Eating fries every now and then also build up unwanted fats in your system and when these becomes too much. They start affecting the body system and prevents it from functioning properly.

  • Obesity

Have you been complaining of adding unwanted weight. Well the reason is not far fetched. Research has shown that the root cause of obesity is that there is an imbalance between the level of calories consumed and the amount used up.



In other words people consume more of these junk but never really burn them by exercising regularly, engaging in some physical task and the likes. Consuming too much of sweet carbohydrate and fat will definately accumulate in the body and then make one add unneccesary weight if not used up.

  • Risk of Infertility

Yea! You read that right? Research has shown that junks has a way of affecting the male reproductive system. There is something called "trans-fat" that is very common in most processed food, it is the excess consumption of this that exposes one to the risk of infertility.

According to my little research,food like cake, buscuit , takeaways contain high level of this trans-fat. The intake of these things should then be minimized if we really want to reduce the risk of infertility to the very last percentage.

  • It's Addictive and also a waste of Money

Well it's a bitter fact. Many are addicted to these things and that is because of the convenience it affords those patronizing it. Many of those who go out to get junks every now and then do not really have control over themselves anymore.

They still find themselves getting these things even when they ain't getting any nutritional value from it.
The downside of this is that you expend on these things in the name of "feeding".It sucks into your finance yet nothing nutritional is added to your body system

It then becomes a waste of money because the money that should have been spent on something nutritious is now being spent on junk which are in most cases more expensive than the edibles that would have nourished your body

I will like to wrap it up here so that this post doesn't become unnecessarily long. It better I keep it simple and comprehensive than to load you with too many information that will bore you on the long run.

I believe from this few mentioned fact I've written on you have been able to get the answer to the question we highlighted early. The choice is ours.


Eating of junks can really be very addictive but if we are determined enough,we can control it to the bearest minimum,at least to a level where it doesn't affect us when we take it since it's not in an addictive manner.

It is also important to mention that if you can totally avoid it then it's good for you. You health is more important. The negative implications of taking these things is far more weightier than the sweet taste we get for a moment.
Thanks for your time.

Credit : @lhorgic♥️

 3 years ago 

Hence forth, no more junk in my life.
Thank you so much for this beautiful and educative piece.

Hahahahahahahahaha...you're very funny. This thing can be very addictive but then a conscious and deliberate effort will loose it grip off you.. thanks for interacting with my post.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for the compliment dear friend and I seriously meant it.

It Is true that it takes a deliberate conscious effort to loose grip.

So informative. Thank you for sharing friend

Thanks for dropping by dear friend, I really appreciate your comment. #steem-on