Sniper Elit 5 on XBOX PC GamePass

in Mobile Game Review6 months ago

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Sniper Elite 5 on XBOX PC GamePass

Sniper Elite 5 2024-02-17 20-12-48-

If you ain't played it you ain't LIVED!

Sniper Elite 5 2024-03-21-balls.png

This game quickly takes over your life. The way I like it. Bored on Friday? Once you start playing Monday is there in 5 minutes. Playing on PC is much better than the console. You got more control. It has a version available on META Quest 2 but have not played it yet.

As you can see from the screen shot I peppered this young Nazis bastards balls with a snipe shot. Tried to bum rush me out of no where. Bag! Got him with a SHREM 1 at about 50 feet. Them nads where splad! The technical term Scrotal Exploderosis!

No I drink me shine along with some Arizona RX Energy Tonic. The Yellow can with the 4 runners on it. Tasts like old cigar water. But it gives you the boost to stay sharp. That way you kin just beam them Germans from 100 yards with the old Carbine.

I like to use the tommy Gun with a 100 round drum. Fully Supressed and deco in Green Leaf Camo. I use the wire iron stock to keep things simple. When you catch them running out of a hollar use short bursts to tame their ambition.

Now the game cheats like a MF. You be looking for 10 minutes and don't see shit. Bend down to set a Teller Mine and some A hole is blowing your kidneys out. Karl is a biotch. You can deck him out in a paratrooper uniform, put a helmet on him and make him carry the Wellrod. Soon as that bumbling bastard gets shot he starts mumbling shit and slows down.

Like how many times I gotta hear the tall grass would make great cover? No shit Sherlock! STFU! Bruh...

For example: This some biotch was always icking up the dead mans guns first instead of searching theys pockets for loot. Then the sorry nazi runs up and blows Karl's kidneys out with a long rifle. Point blank range. GD bastard! Move fat boy! Move! Nope. He just lays there fumbling for a medic bandage for his bleeding backside.

You willbe into the game then his deep rich voice kicks inreal loud and scares the skin off ya! SHUT UP KARL and let me navigate in peace. Them NPC soldiers are comming for ya. If he is searching a dead soldier the greedy bastard wont stop. He just keeps searching while they put 10 rounds in his noggin.

I deployed many strategies. You are supposed to sneak thru and quietly spend all day shooting the enemy. Then that gets boring the first hour in. Then I try the old bum rush and shoot. That don't work on this game. It has some shitty aim triangle. The stick is too sensitive or not enough. Gave up setting up the controls. Useless.

Thge game is setup like Nightmare Creatures from Nintendo 64. It is a FPS but the character is super imposed in the bottom left. You have to run in circles to get things done. Ol Karl always grabs the shitty NPC guns first and will always try and booby trap the body. If you need bandages you got to get away from the bodies. If you don't then Karl will try to rig them boys to explode. Then the Startrek 1943 infantry will materialize out of nowhere and blow your brains out.

They just appear and you get shot a hundred time. You got to play this game like GoldenEye on Nintendo 64. The people you shoot will be there for the most part when you come back. Occasionaly they are not there. I think its because they were knocked out then wake up and limp away. So I learned to go Zombie Land on they asses. After you put them in the dirt give them a double tap. Head shot and ball shot. They always stay put.

Tanks! Oh those bastards are realy greasy. You can only get at them from behind. You can rig em with a satchel charge but make sure you take out the machine gunner on the top. If you runin front then little duffus MACHINE from the Movie FURY will chop you up with the 30.

The basic strategy is start off slow and quiet. Then ramp up the lethalness of your assault. As you thin the numbers out you can move around boldly. It has a wistle feature where you can cat call them SOBs. One German starts talking about Das Hooten. It angers them greatly. I do a Benny Hill run on them with some Homer Simpson thrown in. I wistle while I run in circles like Curly on the Three Stooges. When they can't get a shot off cause they gun too long I knife em. Just run in circles around a long gun soldier when you are 90' to his gun melee his ass.

Setting up the levels: I played it on easy for the first hour. Messing with sensitivity of the AfterGlow PS3 controller I use. Great for PC gaming. Then I set the levels all the way up to hard and authentic. At first you take a beating. Within an hour you are on point and sweating. The game has some GTA3 and GoldenEye action.


Set your grenades to sticky. When ou throw one aim for the soldiers head. When it sticks to his dome you get some aerobatic action.

Use the Tank Riffle to sneak up on soldiers and let em have it. Like some Brotha Lynch Hung scene. I had one soldier come down a hill and wisper "das pussy" at me. I shit you not. I was about 3 feet from him and shot him in the shoulder with the anti-tank riffle. He was blown about 30 feet away and did a helicopter in the air!

Cat Call them bastards with the wistle while you run at full speed right by a mess of em. To run as fast as you can I use the Wellrod gun. You can run your fastest at Full Health carrying the Wellrod. Just run straight at a groupo of soldiers. Don't bother to shoot. If you bump in to one melee him with the knife using the Y button. Then run your ass off. The other soldiers will be SHOCKED and you can stir up the whole board quickly.

Take out the alarms by using the Match ammo with your silenced long range riffle. The armor piercing rounds leave a streak. They give away where you are. A match round will go right thru a helmet under 100 yards. The control switch is located on the poll right under the loud speakercluster. Can't get a shot at the switch? No problem just shoot one loud speaker and two will flop down. Then shoot one of the others. NBow they are disabled. However you will need to take out a control box ASAP. The stooges will run to the other side of the world to sound the alarm.

Teller Mines... My best buddy! If you are going up steps and will have your back to a door place the Tellermine. It will act as a backup for your back. Them bastards will try to sneak up and rush you. Plant Teller mines whenever possible. Keep one in reserve. When you search a body and find one step a few feet away and plant it. Place them in tight spaces like in the door way jams. You will get some cool acrobatics when triggered.

Light bulbs are your ENEMY! Use a silenced weapon like a 1911 pistol to shoot out light bulbs, lanterns and building wall lights. It makes it harder to see you. Dont worry about ammo. Just use your regular type and take them out. Use you long range riffle like the carbine or Shrem 1 to plink out street lights before you move in to an area.

Explosive Cache: Youwill find explosive crates, propane gass tanks and welding tanks on the levels. don't waste your time trying to lure an enemy close then shooting them. Its good in theory but seldom works. Best think is to plant a TNT charge with a 30 second fuse then run to a sniping position. When it goes off they come a runnin to the blast site. Then pew pew pew from a distance. Use the tall grass Karl is always reminding you of.

Sniping from Grass: The game purpously resticts your view while in grass. Crawling thru grass makes a lot of noise. Jaggers and tanks will F you up. When they here the grass they run in or just hit you with an artiliary shell. Then you bleeding ou. Karl will cry like a biotch as he slowly wraps up his bleeding hole(s).

TNT: Always use the 30 sec fuse! It ticks real loud. It will take your health if you are anywhere near it. Some Jagger off will run in and try to defuse it. Others will circle him and runthey mouth. Use a long riffle silenced or a pistol with match rounds. As one tries to diffuse the other will circle. Injure one of them with a leg shot. Then another will run in to help. I got 5 guys like that. One I accidentaly shot in the head. The TNT took out the rest.

Bottle: You can throw them to make noise. OR he he he! Knock one of the soldiers brains out with it. One bottle just breaks the other sounds like small fire crackers. Throw the fire cracker one first. Then soldiers will come in to investigate. Use the other regular bottle and paint his head with the target. Release the bottle and watch it knock him down and stun him. Now paint his head again with anothe bottle and give him a second dose. Now the NPC soldier boy is out cold. I usualy wait to see if buddies show up. If so they get the MD 20/20 Grape to the noggin. Then I just run over and hit the Y button and stab them while they lay on the ground. This works great if you got a lot of angry soldiers. Draw them off one or two at a time and take them out quietly.

Panzerfast: Basicaly a rocket launcher. Use it to take out troops, tanks, AP Carriers and explosive cache. A good way to thin the herd is to place the Panzerfast in a clump of grass. Then run into a crowd of them wistling. Don't try to fight any of them. Run until you are out of site and dive in to the grass with the Panzerfast. Then take a couple of bottles and throw them to an area you plan on launching the Panzerfast at. This bates them in. When they group up shoot it directly at the soldier in the middle. This will Fk them up!

Grenades: Set grenades to sticky and be creative. You can stick them to the head of soldiers. Another good tactic is to throw them on the celing above soldiers in doors. It gets the whole room and they are out of action.

DLC Download Content: Bought it all. Sniper Elite 5 gives you some cools stuff free if you beat the game on hard. I bought the on where you hunt down Hitler at his house and the one where you take out the Japanese General. Both are very good levels. Have not completed the other levels or the Season 1 & 2 pass. But they are fun ass hell.

Last PRO TIP: Get you some Amazon batteries for your controller or other batteries. Make sure you have plenty. Nothing sucks worse than running out of Lithium in a fight. The AfterGlow PS3 wireless USB controller takes two AA batteries. I bought 24 from Amazon and a couple of the 4 slot wall chargers. I keep 8 batteries charging and14 in reserve. Two in use. Never go in on a game like this unless you have your shit together. You will regert it.

Hope this helps all you Sniper Elite 5 fans. You get no polish with Jimbo. I am not correcting shit or trying to soft coat anything. Don't like my mouth? Buy me some Vodka and a Donut. I like staying drunk and playing games whilst I lay on me side and play games. That is all I do. Thats what I like.

Jimbo Jones Mobile Game Review @jimbojonesmgr @jimbomgr #jimbojonesmgr #jimbomgr on X
