Why don't we comment on other people's posts more often?

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

image search pixabay.com

Do we have no time or focus too much on our own post to get rewards from @steemcurator01, @steemcurato02 and @booming accounts?

Would you comment more if you were rewarded for giving a good comment on quality posts?

If you were paid to comment, would that reduce the number of posts you have per week?

And would you place more emphasis on your post being of high quality if you don't need to post as often?

Approximately how many comments do you get? by other users on your post?

Many of us use services to achieve a higher reward on their own post, what do you think about that? (appreciate if you who also use that type of service respond)

Do you have any thoughts on where steemit/steem is going if everyone just wants rewards but not investing in steem?

What if investors no longer want to have their steem/sbd on crypto exchanges to trade with? Who are you going to sell your steem/sbd to then?



Voting for me:
https://steemit.com/~witnesses type in xpilar.witness and click VOTE


 3 years ago (edited)

Blockchain is a kind of social networks. What attracts people to social networks? An opportunity to find an interest group and create communication that is lacking in real life. At the same time, an important place is occupied precisely by the possibility of communication through comments.
The idea of blockchain about the monetization of social communications is beautiful. But there is another side to the coin. A lot of people come here not for communication, but for the opportunity to earn a little (or a lot). Try to completely remove monetization on Stееmit. Most people will leave the platform and look for other blockchains. They won't be looking for the usual social networks. They will be looking for an opportunity to earn money. It is ok. In real life, most of our users are not rich.

Naturally, crooks come to where there is an opportunity to get money. Yes, this is also a problem.

I am not an active commentator. But I behave the same way in real life. In conversation, I listen more often than I talk. Nevertheless, there is a group of users with whom I always willingly communicate. I am interested in them, exchanging opinions, I get new information. For me, the main value of any communication is to get something new: information, emotions, something else. Formal comments annoy me rather than please me. Sometimes I see a comment that seems to be large in volume, but I understand that it is... formal, empty, only for quantity.

As for the posts. One meaningful post a day is quite enough, but sometimes you want to continue and do more. And it also happens that you do not want to write at all or there is no opportunity. It's everyone's business. But the problem is different. There are many wonderful authors who get almost nothing for their posts. How long will they "work" for free? If they have an interest group and they develop their topic, then the amount of remuneration for individual posts may not be so important to them. They get more from communicating with people close in spirit (this is the original essence of social networks). But how many such users are there?

You are asking the right questions, but there are no easy answers to them.

In order for the forest to be in order, the forest needs a master who takes care of the order. Unfortunately, I didn't see such a host in Justin. With his arrival, a fire started in the forest and part of the forest burned down. Now there are other trees growing there and there are other inhabitants, and this is no longer our forest. And nothing changes in our forest. At least for the inhabitants. An island of this forest called WOX is even more orderly than the whole forest and I like it. That's why I'm here.

I'm talking too much today :)

 3 years ago 

I'm talking too much today :)

😆 You have articulated things expertly. (This feels like an empty comment but your comment's so good, I have no more to add. Other than a little rambling to make the comment longer 😉)

 3 years ago 

Good to see you, my friend
This comment will really be empty if nothing happens in the forest.

Comments are also important, but practical steps are even more important :)

 3 years ago 

Some parts have already been burnt down, other parts are under attack (by scammers and crooks) but hidden away, there are thriving civilisations, knowing that the forest is what it is but find their way to be happy within it. They accept that the forest is unlikely to change and do what they can to keep those attacking it away from their little oasis. Many will pass through, some with good intentions, some not so but our oasis, built upon the right foundations will remain even if those that inhabit it change.

 3 years ago 

At the moment, this is the only possible way to survive. Fortunately, the oasis has a good ecology and it has a host. It is for this reason that we will survive in any scenario. But I would like a normal forest to be preserved around the oasis :)

 3 years ago 

I'll just join the content of this comment, because there's nothing to add. Everything is the same in my understanding of the problem.

 3 years ago 

agree with you @lllll1ll

One more for the hat-trick 🤠🤠🤠 #lucky10.

We need more natural regeneration than managed plantation...

 3 years ago 

I'm not sure we need plantations, farms or anything like that at all.
Regeneration is very good, as well as rotation, but conditions must be created for this process.
Meanwhile, we still have not fixed bugs in the operation of the platform. There is support from the steem team, but another question is how and to whom it is distributed. I have seen many facts of abuse. In the economy, it looks like corruption. And again, good authors are missed, and someone gets just on a regular basis. In any case, such examples were given a month ago, but since then I have stopped following it.

Steemit is a platform that has its own history and a certain reputation. I will not say that this reputation is high now. But it is stable. Almost everything that positions itself as a blockchain has roots on our platform. The cue ball is not up to par now either. Many cryptocurrencies have claimed and continue to claim that they are cooler than a cue ball. But the basis of all crypto exchanges is still bitcoin.I see an analogy with Steemit here.

But if bitcoin is not able to develop, then Steemit can afford it. There are two reasons why I did not give up on our platform and did not start withdrawing my "capitals". The first reason is participation in the life of WOX. The second... maybe it's naive, but I have a hunch that the owner should appear in the forest. Not immediately, not tomorrow, but Steemit will begin development and regeneration. For this reason, I am still in #club100 and do not plan to leave it.
Thank you for your attention :)

In order for the forest to be in order, the forest needs a master who takes care of the order.

The forests are the only ecosystem that does not need a master to care. Maybe a garden would need a master but not forests, in contrast when the masters are gone, forests thrive.

Steemit is also like a forest, that can thrive without any master, but for this forest to run and thrive, a little sunshine is needed for every tree.

But my opinion is that very few quality seeds were sown. And now we are here discussing why we are not seeing a thriving forest.

I think the first thing that needs to be done right now is development of a platform that has more functionalities than the current one. We also do not have SMTs implemented while Hive has already been successfully running their blockchain with SMTs for a year or more now.

 3 years ago 

In Russia, they say - the bear is the owner in the forest))
Seriously, then with the appearance of the absence of the owner, in fact, he is. It's not necessarily one person. The host can also be collective. Theoretically, the blockchain is a decentralized system. The owner who bought our platform turned out to be Mr. Nobody for her. But I understand him, he solved his problems, business is business. It's a shame that his tasks did not include the development of the platform, but only the use. Therefore, a fire immediately occurred in the forest and part of the forest burned out. But this is already a story, albeit a sad one.

Now there is also a conditional host on the platform. But he's missing something.

I didn't notice that the delegates acted as one friendly team. Of course, all the information is not available to me, something is probably being done, but the results are important.

But my opinion is that very few quality seeds were sown.

In any forest there are healthy trees, young undergrowth and weeds. You were right about the sunlight for every tree. But we also need weeding and uprooting of the unfit. We need a working system. The same plagiarism should be deadly for the user.

I think the first thing that needs to be done right now is development of a platform that has more functionalities than the current one.

I absolutely agree with you. Without the development of functionality, any talk about the prosperity of the platform is in vain. And this is again a question of development and decision-making. And again we run into the "owner".

I would like to see active and interested delegates as the host. There are such, but they are not the majority.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the great feedback @bambuka

In order for the forest to be in order, the forest needs a master who takes care of the order. Unfortunately, I didn't see such a host in Justin. With his arrival, a fire started in the forest and part of the forest burned down. Now there are other trees growing there and there are other inhabitants, and this is no longer our forest. And nothing changes in our forest. At least for the inhabitants. An island of this forest called WOX is even more orderly than the whole forest and I like it. That's why I'm here.

"An island of this forest called WOX is even more orderly than the whole forest and I like it."
I wish I had the ability to make that island even better for our users. I see which way the big forest is going and if we cut down too many trees, the forest will die out.

 3 years ago 

Unfortunately, the big forest is gradually drying up. Someone skillfully makes firewood for their fire, but I don't see any concern for the forest.

We are not cutting down trees, most likely we are making new plantings. It seems that those who prepare firewood for themselves do not like it very much. But using the forest for firewood is a bad idea.

There may be a situation when you have to save the island from logging. I hope it won't come to that.

I wish I had the ability to make that island even better for our users.

I would like your example to be followed by those on whom the ecology of our forest depends.

 3 years ago 

We must sow new seeds in the forest so that our ooze does not dry up ❤️

 3 years ago 

I agree :)

 3 years ago 

Hello friend, this has really been going on for a long time. People don't like to comment and it's unfortunate. I am very active commenting on many posts but it seems that people are focused on themselves and do not know what they should do as a community, yet they are often the ones who reward for their power and not for quality. I'm still here but sometimes I get very disappointed.
Greetings and happy Sunday.

Мне нравится комментировать интересные посты. Однако, я часто не угадываю с комментариями. И меня часто не устраивают ответы. Общение это не так просто как кажется.

Написание поста требует времени. Мне нравится писать посты. Но не всегда хватает на них времени.

Я не пишу ради заработка, потому что мне не удалось найти здесь заработок. :) Оплату за комментарии я воспринимаю как интерес получать мои комментарии, хотя возможно это что-то другое.

Сервисы дополнительного вознаграждения, по-моему, хорошая альтернатива для не умеющих зарабатывать людей. Это хоть какой то их шаг в сторону заработать.

Я с интересом наблюдаю куда движется Steem. Без спонсирования желающих писать немного. Но тех кто оплату получает все еще довольно много. Всем вместе не так грустно.

I like to comment on interesting posts. However, I often don't guess with the comments. And I'm often not satisfied with the answers. Communication is not as easy as it seems.

Writing a post takes time. I like to write posts. But there is not always enough time for them.

I do not write for the sake of earning money, because I could not find earnings here. :) I perceive payment for comments as an interest in receiving my comments, although it may be something else.

Additional remuneration services, in my opinion, are a good alternative for people who do not know how to earn money. This is at least some kind of their step towards earning.

I am watching with interest where Steem is moving. There are few people willing to write without sponsorship. But there are still quite a lot of those who receive payment. Everyone is not so sad together.

 3 years ago 

Es correcto, no es tan fácil la comunicación, tal vez sea el idioma, muchas veces escribimos algo en nuestro idioma, y el traductor escribe otra. Voy a tratar de usar más el español y evitar que me suceda.
Es bueno comentar publicaciones interesantes que realmente valga la pena.
Saludos cordiales

 3 years ago 

Hi @avoicest

I like to comment on interesting posts. However, I often don't guess with the comments. And I'm often not satisfied with the answers. Communication is not as easy as it seems.

I know that you are good with comments and then it is also nice to be commented back by those who have the post, it is social and creates a larger community

 3 years ago 

Hi @gabylazarde

I also think many others are disappointed by the lack of comments on their posts. But there are also many who do not care about comments, but only rewards. I feel that steem/steemit is going in the wrong direction if nothing is done. We need changes to lift steem/steemit in the right direction

 3 years ago 

Eso es correcto amigo, y es una verdadera lastima. Saludos cordiales

 3 years ago 

A very important thing in surfing the world of steemit, commenting on other people's posts and also making posts.

If investors withdraw from the investment world, it is likely that something unexpected will happen. An excellent article, thank you.

 3 years ago 

A very important thing in surfing the world of steemit, commenting on other people's posts and also making posts.

good point @muzack1

In my understanding, a post without comments is an unsuccessful post. If everything is said and there is nothing to talk about, then the problem or thought raised in the submitted post is not relevant. Discussion, comments - that's what makes life on any social platform. Opinions, ideas, reflection of different life views and positions, exchange of life experience, all this gives impetus to knowledge and development. High-quality content is, first of all, interesting people who have something to say, from whom you can learn something. The main interest in the crypto platform is the source of financial income. To achieve this immediately from the very beginning of work on the platform is almost impossible. It takes time, it takes work, it takes the creation of a circle of members of the platform who are interested in your work and in you. It is not easy and long. Good authors with quality content cannot wait half a year, a year, they want to eat today and now, and they leave after the first posts. Therefore, comments are at least some chance to cling to the platform, having received a vote from wealthy old-timers. The platform requires constant changes and experiments in the implementation of creativity, including a careful approach to comments.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the great feedback @gor671

In a period I have had a competition to reward good posts to the author and also reward those who nominate the post
"Nominate and get Rewarded: 15% Trial Upvote, (Nomination Day 125)"
As you can see, I have had that competition 125 times now, but the interest is low and there are often only a few who nominate an author. It's strange that more people don't want to nominate writers when they can also win a reward for doing so.

I will consider whether I will continue with that competition or maybe change it in the future

Hi @xpilar

Thank you for sharing link to this publication with me. I just had a chance to read it and read some of the comments below.

My simple answer to your question is:
in order for people to do something/anything - we need first to think about insentives for those people. and there are no insentives for commenting. Nothing at all.

Reading posts and commenting is time consuming. It also take energy. And if people do not benefit in one way or another - then most of them will give up on commenting.

In project.hope I'm trying to make it clear, that those who are engaging in comments section may count on stronger upvotes and are allowed to post even 3-4 times a week.
At the same time those who do not invest their time to be active part of PH community (meaning: they do not take time to read and comment) are requested not to post more than once a week.

This is one of the ways community leaders (in case of WOX it would be you @xpilar) can encourage people and show them direction to follow.

Have a great monday ahead of you :)
Cheers, Piotr

 3 years ago 

Thank you for taking the time to comment on the post

This is one of the ways community leaders (in the case of WOX it would be you @xpilar) can encourage people and show them direction to follow.

Yes, that's right, someone has to step forward and tell/show how it should be

Certainly each question in this post is like to reflect a little on how we are doing things. Mutual support is impossible 👏🏼👏🏼

 3 years ago 

Yes, mutual support is completely impossible, because it should be that we find good posts and give upvotes and comments

Hola querido amigo @xpilar estoy de acuerdo, la mayoría de las personas no quiere realizar un buen comentario, solo quieren buenos votos, puedo entender la situación económica de muchas personas, pero steemit se trata de socializar y compartir con otras personas, es necesario incentivar eso en la plataforma.


 3 years ago 

agree with you @franyeligonzalez