
Slumpu is a project I began in mid-summer, 2024. I name series by Cyrillic letter (there are 33). I just completed Series H this afternoon! Here is a sneak peak, for your eyes only:)


I call it “the Ethereum of art”. I have an art friend in London who makes Jompiy, which is “the Bitcoin of art”. He gives some of it away on nice days in Camden Town. I’m taking a suitcase of slumpu on a visit to join him in April.
Thank you for asking!

I noticed the Cyrillic letters, thanks for the extra bit of info. Is it just the two of you or are there more artist protesting and into the stuckism? I wonder if it is like a chain or wave positively infecting artists and artist lovers.
You finished H (N) 100 this means you make 3 per day or more?
You have something to look forward to especially if the weather is good (I hope so).

A good evening and till the next time.

Oh there are thousands of Stuckists, but only a handful getting up each morning to paint:)
Stuckism is an international art movement created in 1999. I fell upon them in 2014, and haven’t looked back. Edgeworth Johnstone and I are the only ones playing with “crypto art”, but anyone is welcome to have their fun:) I made series H (1 - 100) in 2 days.
Thank you!