I started making money walking. ECO KEEP 10% -

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Hello dear friends!

I recently came across an interesting application. The purpose of this application is to rid the planet of air pollution and make people switch from transportation to walking and running.

That is, the application ensures that everyone is healthier. Finally, a daily walk of 30 minutes is the necessary minimum that should be followed to support immunity. A study conducted at the University of Michigan found that walking helps improve memory and alertness by 20%.

Now to the application – ECO KEEP

IMG_4002 (2).JPG

It's all very simple – you register and hit the road – start earning. On the first day you will receive a pair of trial sneakers to understand how the application works.

And then – you either buy sneakers and make money or you invite other people (referrals) to make money and get % in return.

I've already started making money with the app. I started walking more to get some fresh air.

If you want to join the application, we'll go for a walk together and earn money.

Here is the registration link - https://h5.ekecokeep.com/register?spread_code=c6420899

Die Anwendung ist auf Russisch, aber sehr einfach.

1.Mobile phone number (no + sign)
2.You need to enter the code from the picture
3.The password you use to log into the application
And click REGISTER


If you have any questions, write in the comments or in Discord (@vlad26eco)

Please accept my share in the @wox-helpfunds community.

Board members
@o1eh @the-gorilla @sultan-aceh @adeljose @the100 @xpilar

hope for support from


Привет. Я не знаю точно про этот проект. Но я точно знаю 99 процентов развод. Монетки дают, а вывести нет.

Я сегодня вывел 10 $ и сегодня расскажу про свой опыт)