Australasian figbird

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 months ago

I heard some rustling in the tree this morning and we have a new visitor to our house which is always exciting!


I noticed a red colour moving around in the tree. Sorry the photos are not the clearest but I quickly got my phone out to snap a couple of shots so I could work out what type of bird this was. As I have never seen this bird in our yard before.



A quick google search and it turns out this is an Australasian figbird.


The Australasian figbird is found in the northern and eastern part of Australia.



This here is a male as he has a red skin around his eye where the females have a grey skin around the eye. With the black coloured head and olive green body these guys really stand out!



It's always cool to see a new bird species in the back yard, so I thought I would share it with you guys🙂
And I'm glad the local noisy minor gang didn't chase him away..
Well at least while I was here haha