I used that ordeal as a lesson

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago

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Welcome to the Ulfatulrahmah Blog.

I face it happily with gratitude and I accept disasters with patience,... I don't know why I'm not very calm today when I'm doing activities at home, since this morning, my mind feels very uneasy, feeling very confused, every activity I do is always in chaos.

In the afternoon I had my friend come home. Even though that afternoon I was still busy with activities at home, I still hadn't finished several activities, but how could I do that because our people had gone to see work. Then, in the afternoon our people went to the house of Sis Cut, whose people had been doing work a few days ago. After investigating further and discussing work matters.

Before the incident

In the afternoon, the three of us were relaxing at a stall selling fried food with my nephew while discussing work. It didn't take long for our people to relax in the afternoon at a fried food stall. I was forced to take my nephew home first, because my friend and I had plans to go to town to a friend's place who said he had some online work. Luckily I didn't bring my nephew when I wanted to go to town with my best friend.

The story of when he fell from a motorbike

When I wanted to go to town with my friends, my heart didn't feel good, to be honest, it didn't feel good at all, I don't know why. While on the road to the city, my friend was talking quite a lot while riding his motorbike. Suddenly his motorbike tire exploded, this was a serious explosion. I heard it very clearly, then our person's motorbike was no longer stable, the speed that our person was riding was quite fast too. Then I forced my body to turn to the right, because from the left position there was a car, so I forced my body to turn to the right while on the vehicle so as not to be hit by the car.

Finally our person hit the sidewalk on the road, my hand also hit the sidewalk, while my feet were scratched from hitting gravel on the road... Luckily at that time the road was quiet, there was only one car opposite on the left, I fell without thinking about anything. , I immediately got up to help a friend who was in pain too... My friend's motorbike was not seriously damaged, only the headlight was cracked and a little scratched.

Meanwhile, my friend, who was the same as me, had a few scratches on his hands and feet, but it was still serious. My waist hurt a lot when I moved, especially as the wounds I had on my feet and hands were very painful.

Be A Strong Person



When night fell after the accident this afternoon, the wound on my leg was very painful when it came into contact with water while bathing, my waist even hurt a lot when my body moved to the side. But I still forced myself to shower and clean the wounds on my feet. Even though I was in a lot of pain, I still did it to clean the dust that had gotten into my wound. After taking a shower I felt a little better even though it was still quite sore.

I hope my leg gets better quickly and recovers quickly. I also haven't chatted with my friends and asked how my friends are doing. I'm happy that my friends' condition is now fine.

Thank you for stopping by my post, See You...Bye, bye!


ACHIEVEMENT 01 | My introduction post to the Steemit community @ulfatulrahmah


Take care that nothing becomes inflamed, move everything that hurts in moderation, but regularly. It will get better quickly!

Thank you very much for this kind comment

Semoga lekas sehat kembali, semangat 💪

Amin,... Terima kasih ya bg

Semoga lekas sembuh sayang, alhamdulillah selamat...
Selamat atas pencapaiannya selama ini ya... Sukses terus dan jangan lupa istirahat yang cukup, badannya tekejot, coba diurut....

Terima kasih banyak kk Lia, Amin kk semoga saya makin sukses disini dan cepat sembuh juga🥰,.. Ohh iya kk, kak Lia kenapa jarang-jarang buat post😁

Owalah dek turut prihatin, memang musibah bisa terjadi kapan saja, smoga lekas baikan ya..jangan lupa pake obat biar lecetnya sembuh.

Sikap positif dan sabar dalam menghadapi musibah memang sangat diutamakan.

Stay safe stay healthy

Hehehe iya bu,.. Terima kasih banyak ya bu atas komentar baiknya untuk saya🥰

 4 months ago 

Cepat sembuh ya dek🙂

Iya kk, Terima kasih banyak ya kak

 4 months ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Ya ampun dek, ,semoga cepat sembuh ya

Iya ibu,.. Terima kasih banyak ya bu sudah bersinggah di postingan saya🥰

Sama sama dek

Thank you so much, sis, for sharing your story. It’s truly inspiring and shows so much strength! 🌸 Reading it reminded me of my own motorbike accident. I was going downhill when the brakes failed, and although I only ended up with scratches, bruises, and a few days of pain, it was a terrifying experience. More of a scare for me, but my motorbike was severely damaged. Your story is such a powerful reminder to learn from life’s challenges. Wishing you all the best and sending lots of love, sis! 🩷✨

Wow, it's really scary when the brakes fail,... I can't imagine... I was very happy and relieved when it wasn't serious... We are even more careful because we don't want that experience to happen again. ✨

Thank you very much sis for stopping by my post


Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through @steemcurator03. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @jyoti-thelight

Musibah memang ngak ada yang tau ya dek,semoga ke depan lebih hati hati lagi dalam berkendara, semoga kaki dan tangannya cepat sembuh.

Amin kak,.. Terima kasih ya kak atas komentarnya 🥰

Innalilahi... Syafakillah sweety. At least you have to take a big lesson from that accident
May Yaa Rahim bless your life, sweetheart 🤲🏻

Amin kak,... Thank you for the best prayers for me sis✨