Evening Primrose Oil Beauty Practice

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

Evening primrose. Exotic wildflowers. Born in the deep forests of far north and south America. This is the name of this bright yellow flower that blooms in the evening. It has been used in health and beauty since ancient times. The oil extracted from the seeds of this flower is now quite effective in treating various skin and hair problems in addition to naturally treating hormone control.


Evening primrose oil or EPO contains linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid. These are two high quality omega-6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid is an anti-inflammatory ingredient. It soothes and prevents acne and cures eczema or any other skin disease. In addition, this acid maintains the softness and elasticity of the skin, which helps to keep away the impression of age.

Gamma linolenic acid is also a very strong anti-inflammatory, which has the ability to cure serious diseases like skin acne, psoriasis, rosacea. As well as it maintains the moisture of the skin.


In addition, it contains oleic acids called omega-9 fatty acids. It also removes roughness of the skin and brightens the skin. And there is stearic acid, which acts as a cleansing ingredient. It removes dirt, sweat and excess sebum from the skin.

Dermatologists prescribe EPO supplements to treat excess acne and some skin diseases. It is seen as a key ingredient in many skin care products; Especially in anti-aging products. EPOs are now available in our country at very affordable prices.


Various pharmaceutical companies in the country produce its supplements, which are being exported abroad to meet the demand of the country. EPO supplements cannot be taken without the advice of a doctor to solve skin problems. However, it can be applied directly to the face or hair by mixing it with something. Serum, facial or hair oil can be made at home with it to solve skin problems.

Anti-aging oil

EPO can eliminate fine wrinkles on the skin while maintaining moisture and elasticity. After the age of 25, there is no better medicine than this oil for those whose skin has been damaged due to environmental pollution, overwork, and harmful UV rays of the sun. Again, EPO is quite capable of reducing the wrinkles of mature age. You can make a simple facial oil for this.

It requires 1 tablespoon almond oil, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons EPO and 1 vitamin E capsule. Mix it all together and use it to cleanse the skin in the morning and at night before going to bed. You will start getting good results in a month.

Anti Dark Circle Serum


Lack of regular sleep, extra smartphones, use of computer screens cause dark circles under the eyes, which many of us are worried about. Make EPO serum to chase it. Antidark circle serum made by mixing 1 tablespoon coconut oil, 1 EPO capsule, 1 vitamin E capsule. You can make and save more if you want. Before going to bed at night, massage both the eyes under the eyes and the upper leaves in a clockwise direction with the help of anamika. This will reduce dark circles as well as wrinkles under the eyes. However, to get good results, you must sleep at least six hours a night.

Anti-acne oil

Its supplement is for hormonal or cystic acne. Apart from this, those who have common acne can try 1 teaspoon of EPO with 1 teaspoon of tree tea oil to cure it. Acne can be reduced in a week.


Antihear Fruit Oil

It is also very effective in solving hair problems like skin. Mix EPO with equal amount of coconut or olive oil to reduce excess hair fall. Leave it for 45 minutes and wash it off with shampoo. Using it three days a week will reduce hair loss at a significant rate. And only EPO can be applied to retain the moisture of the palm of the head.


Pregnant, expectant mothers, who have or have had hormone sensitive cancers, such as breast or ovarian cancer, and patients with epilepsy, schizophrenia, the EPO should not be used in any way.