Macrophotography - Horned Spider "Thelacantha brevispina"

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 months ago


Horned Spider "Thelacantha brevispina"

Today, I will show you steem users, who do not know the type of horned spider, this type, is indeed very rare and for, then, in the search for this type, it is very difficult, but finally I was able to find this type, although it took a very long time.

This type of spider is classified as very wild, it is difficult for us to find and it is very difficult for us to take some photo scenes, because this type of spider always shows its butt towards the camera. However, whatever the behavior of this spider on the leaves, to avoid danger to itself, as a macro photographer must still have patience, so that it does not feel disturbed.

When the spider does not feel, this is the time to take some macro photos and some close-up shots, with different areas, let's see below:







That's the whole picture of the spider species Thelacantha brevispina or known by another name Thelacantha - Asian spinybacked orbweaver

Hopefully by seeing and reading my post, it can be useful in recognizing the types of spiders that continue to breed in the forest.

For those of you who are already on vacation, enjoy your vacation with your family, wherever you are.





These are an incredible photos.

thank you @fijimermaid
I also didn't expect to find this horned spider again, I couldn't aim at its eyes, because they were full of black hairs :)