Learning nursery parkiaspeciosa "Petai Tree" Part II

in WORLD OF XPILAR18 days ago


tonight, I made an early post, because tomorrow there will be another activity in the Plant Nursery Learning area that I made in the hut behind the WOX Coffee Shop construction.

so what I want to explain here is, maybe you still remember, 11 days ago I made this post: How to cultivate Parkia Speciosa plantation plants without fail with the main image theme below:

The petai tree seedlings have grown now, and are growing fresh and fertile, growth like this, I have not fertilized at all, just maintaining the humidity of the place and watering it every day with water.

So in the past 11 full days, the activities I have done are, monitoring and watering it with water every morning and evening. So, steem seedling users can see the results below:








as you can see above, that, with good growth like this, has made me personally very happy and excited, although in the third stage later, I will do cuttings with grafting, so that it grows quickly and bears fruit.

which of course I will teach to steem users, which you can do planting in a narrow yard in a flower pot, in front of the yard, as well as steem users who have a garden area, can plant this petai tree, with the target of becoming a petai garden, and you all can produce quality petai fruit.

This is what I can convey, and don't go anywhere, in the future, you Steem users, I will teach you how to graft petai shoots, so that they bear fruit quickly and grow big.

That's all I can say, I hope it's useful,


