My ArtVenture: Pastel painting „Frontliner” – Exclusive on Steem
Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
Last couple of weeks are very busy for me, it is the end of the month, long shifts and quite exhausting days.
This time also due to Covid is quite stressful for everyone. Therefore, hearing that there are some people who do not care about the others and do not follow the advises of wearing the masks. Those who are complaining that they can’t breath I just want those people to spend a day in our place, in acute hospital where we are wearing the masks hours while procedures as well as the protective clothes.

We are so called Frontliner in acute hospital, that is why I wanted to give you an idea how we are looking like. Actually, while wearing such PPE we sometimes can’t recognize our colleagues because everyone looks the same.
With this Artwork I wanted to express my appreciation for all who work in Healthcare System this busy time. That took me two days to finish between my working days.
As always I wanted to present this Self-portrait and hope that and hope the Steemit Team and @steemcurator01 support exclusive works on Steem

Meine Hochachtung gilt all jenen, die in der ersten Reihe unter Gefährdung ihrer eigenen Gesundheit versuchen, der weltweiten Krise zu trotzen, gar Leben zu retten!
Gesegnet sind die, die daran nicht zerbrechen, sondern ihre Widerstandskräfte im Privatleben z.B. durch ein tolles Hobby, durch das sie Abstand gewinnen, kräftigen können. Zu schön, dass du dazu in der Lage bist, deine Erfahrungen kunstvoll zu verarbeiten.
Frohe (Vor)Weihnachten der ganzen Stef1-Familie,
Liebe Christine,
Da gebe ich dir recht, besonders wenn wir sehen wie heftig es in solchen Ländern wie America und in letzter Zeit auch in Großbritannien ist. Es wurde jetzt in unserem Krankenhaus mit der Impfung der Mitarbeiter begonnen, zuerst die Mediziner die in der roten Zone arbeiten und dann wir. Viele der Mitarbeiter wollen gerne ( wenn möglich sofort ) die Impfung bekommen.
Ich bin froh das ich so einen Hobby habe dass gar nichts mit meine Arbeit zu tun hat.
Ich hoffe das wir noch mit einander reden können bevor das Jahres zu Ende geht, und deshalb werde ich meine Neujahrs Wünsche auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verschieben.
Liebe Grüße,
Hi! Thank you very much for posting this beautiful painting. I'm also in great admiration for this profession. I severely hope that the pandemic trigger an improvement of the working conditions in the hospitals. But it can only work if we make pressure on all ends. Also through art!
Hi @elenahornfilm thank you for stopping by and I am glad that you like my painting. The time is really very unpredictable at present, there is a lot of hope, expectation, patience and anxiety. On one side it is funny to see that Corona united the humanity and made us to fight a common enemy together :)
Awesome pastel paining, seems so realistic and amazing
A fine piece of self-portrait. Great job.
Nursing is your full time job? It must have been a very difficult year then. I empathize with you. You are an angel and you have earned many stars. :-)
Thank you for nice words. No, not nursing I am a surgeon adn full time. We all have the same protective clothes, as we all are exposed to the same virus :)
О! Я не знала что ты хирург, думала что терапевт! Сложная же у тебя работа! Береги себя! А картина как всегда очень мне понравилась!
Для меня хирургия кажеться легче, у терапевтов большой спектр работы у нас меньше.Забыла поменить имя, @stef1
My apologies. I didn't Know. :-) A surgeon and an artist. I am more than impressed.
I guess art is your way of unwinding, and relaxing. Do you hold exhibitions too?
Прекрасный рисунок. Мне чем-то напомнил Деда Мороза. Возможно. в этом году Деды Морозы будут выглядеть именно так :)
Спасибо Алекс, Дед Мороз это группа риска, наверное будет в карантине :)
I personally salutes all those person are real hero for the human being in this covid era. There are so much stresses going on in the hospitals due to the current situations . Hats off for serving people . And those arts realy work as stress medicine . Love the art @stef1 friend.
Thank you Theia for your nice words. We hear such nice feedback from all the patients who had to come to hospital. They all very understandable and that is great. Nowadays many departments are busy and the same time we see that some of our staff has to isolate too, if there are any family members also have some suspicious symptoms. Winter brings its usual viral infection too, but we have to treat such cases as if they would be having a virus rather than not. I am looking forward to my annual leave after Christmas day :)
A mi me encantan los trabajos con tizas pastel
Thank you @camposart for your nice feedback :)
Sangat bagus. Ini lukisan yang baik dan terlihat sangat mengesankan. Covid memang akan membuat orang-orang stres dan mengakibatkan taraf ekonomi yang menurun di kalangan masyarakat bawah.
Thank you for your words and completely agree, there is a huge impact on the life of people and the whole countries, that likely we feel next year.